
Wednesday 13 July 2011

If ever there was a reason to do an eTwinning Project...

...then this is it!

Whenever I talk about eTwinning, one of the biggest things I mention is the fact that it gives pupils an audience for their work, aside from the excellent opportunity to collaborate with other pupils across Europe and find out about our European neighbours.Over the past few months this has really shown itself to be true.

One of my classes have had a bear called Michel that has travelled around Europe this year. A bit childish for Secondary School pupils, some may think (though not me and certainly not them) ...however they have loved it.

At moments when I have been in the depths of despair (not really) one of the boys has asked how he's doing and we've learned such a lot about Europe and schools around Europe. We've learned that older pupils like have bears visit them just as much as younger ones (in fact more, judging by the photos of Michel playing in a band!).

Anway, last week Michel returned to Billingham for the Summer and we used the opportunity to do some creative writing (yes, creative, writing). I believe the resulting work is fantastic (specially considering these pupils could scarcely build a sentence in French in September).

The activity also gave opportunity for pupils to address those other skills that are so important in everyday life; working as part of a team, being creative, reflecting on previous work, being a good self manager etc..., as each group had to assigne group leaders, collators and time keepers to make sure the task got completed to a high standard.

Why has the work been so successful? Well, because they've been so well taught all but really it's because they are interested in what they're doing, it's something real (we've had lots of boys cuddling teddies in the classroom recently) and also they know that someone other than me will read it!

Here's Michel's Wiki...have a look for yourselves:

I haven't directed you to the exact page, I'll let you have a look round. The technical college in Rominia with the older pupils is a must, as is his trip to Balamory Tobermory!