

I am a Head of Modern Foreign Languages in the Northeast of England.  I teach French and German to Yrs 3-13 in an all through private school and have also taught Spanish in local Primary Schools from Early Years -Y6 and at KS3-4.  

I am passionate about motivating my pupils through active learning, cooperative learning strategies, creative use of ICT and working with other pupils around the world.

As well as teaching, I am an eTwinning Ambassador, promoting eTwinning in the local area and delivering training face to face and online on how to develop successful eTwinning Projects. Furthermore, I have led PD training sessions on use of ICT and web-based tools in Language teaching, international collaboration, independent learning and creativity in MFL.

I am also a keen singer and enjoys singing with Northern Voices, a choir based in Darlington.

Training and consultancy:
  • Ongoing: eTwinning Ambassador

  • Jan 2015: ALL Yorkshire: Promoting Independent Learning in MFL

  • 2013: ICT in Languages Conference: Motivation and Engagement through International Links

  • 2013: ICT in Languages Conference: Using Google Apps for Education

  • 2012: Routes into Languages Student Ambassador Training: Social Media and ICT in Languages

  • 2011: Trinity Catholic College: There's a world outside my classroom (Blogging in MFL)

  • 2011: Trintiy Catholic College: Podcasting with pupils

  • 2011: St. Robert's of Newminster: Catholic Partnership of Hexam and Newcastle: Top Tools for Digital Creativity in MFL

  • 2010: Linked Up Project: Dovetailing online video and thinking skills strategies (Co-lead)

  • 2010: MYLO Ambassador: Trialling My Languages Online resource and promoting it's use during it's launch

  • 2010: Northeast Regional ATLAS Conference: eTwinning experiences

  • 2010: Links into Languages Northeast Residential: International Online Collaboration

  • 2010: Links into Languages West Midlands ICT event: eTwinning in Practice

  • 2010: Stockton LA Training Day: Spicing up your Year 7 Scheme of Work

  • 2009: Carmel Catholic Academy: A beginner's guide to using ICT creatively in MFL (including blogging, online tools to promote speaking, VOKI for AfL)

  • 2009: Box of Tricks: Guest Author : Tools to get pupils talking


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