
Monday 23 March 2009

Das Hokey Kokey

hokey_cokeyI have a tendancy to watch too many comedy shows on Dave or GOLD or even on the BBC.  Most of the programmes are (kindly) chosen for me by my husband (if I'm REALLY lucky, he even lets me watch the cricket - and not just England losing either...Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) and he, in return, allows me to watch the occasional CSI episode.

Yesterday, as a Mothers' Day treat he picked out a Bill Bailey live show that he'd so thoughfully Sky+ ed for a special occasion (yes, we "live the dream" in our house) and I discovered a treasure!

Now I'm sure that many people have seen this before but I'm a bit slow on the uptake with these things and found it hilarious. It's Bill Bailey doing Kraftwerk doing the Hokey Kokey all in German, of course.  I think is ideal for parts of the body (if not a bit basic really) but it's good to be daft from time to time and have a bit of a laugh.  Logo 2 Unit 3 "Topfit" is where it could fit in for me, how about you?

Thursday 19 March 2009

Just one of the reasonsI love being a mum

My little girl, who is 6, must have been writing poems for Mothers' Day at school this week because this morning she wrote me this gorgeous poem before going to school.  It just goes to show how children see things through rose-coloured spectacles but here it is, it's absolutley beautiful. (Oh by the way, I've left in her versions of spellings!):

"My mum is terrific and thoughtfull

My mum is fashenebell and fantastic

My mum is beautifull and best

And thas way I love my mum"

Absolutely wonderful!

Sunday 15 March 2009

Another GMTV Diet on the horizon

Last year I blogged about the GMTV Bikini Diet that I followed for 6 weeks with great results (I lost just over a stone). Well, during my daytime TV viewing due to my my coughing fits this week, I discovered another diet is underway.  The "Get Motivated" campaign is being fronted by Mr. Motivator  - yes, he's on Twitter -  (who'd have thought it, I believed he was doing something other than motivating!) and again has recipes to follow.  So, I've decided to have another go (as I've regained some of the weight lost last year) and see how I go.  I won't update that regularly about it for fear of boring you but I will keep you informed of any success I have.

Peanut butter toastied for me for breakfast in the morning!...

Spanish Mike is back

I was really pleased to notice last week that Spanish Mike, of "One Semester of Spanish, Spanish Love Song" fame is back with a new Spanish video.  Called "Second Semester of Spanish, Spanish Love Song" and featuring a special guest, it lives up to the standards of the first song very well.  I'm hoping to nake my Spanish classes laugh with it in the coming week (it will give them something other than my lack of Spanish to laugh at!!!)

Here it is...

ps. Please note the lack of "odd" exclamation marks in this post!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

eTwinning workshop at Stockton CLC

[caption id="attachment_191" align="alignleft" width="79" caption="eTwinning"]eTwinning[/caption]

Today, I was privileged to be invited to our local CLC to speak to Stockton's GTP (Graduate Trainee Programme) trainee teachers about our school's eTwinning experiences.  It was nice to work with Jenny Compton of the British Council and Val Brooks, Deputy of the Stockton CLC and fellow eTwinning Ambassador as well as to meet some of the new talent coming through from our local LEA Graduate Trainee Programme.

I promised that I'd upload my presentation onto this blog for the participants to look at in more detail at their own leisure and thought it would also be good to put down some of the areas that I ellaborated more on, as I spoke.

I covered how I got involved in eTwinning initially, as a part-time teacher to give me some focus and how now it has become an integral part of my teaching life.  I think it's important to stress, particularly for Secondary teachers who don't seem as widely involved in eTwinning across the UK as they are in the rest of Europe, that it is quite easy to mould your eTwinning projects into the curriculum without it being onerous and without it impacting negatively on exam results.  Infact, I firmly believe that eTwinning can enhance exam results as well as enhancing enjoyments of subjects.  It is also something that is ideal when thinking about ways of delivering the new KS3 curriculum and it can be cross-curricular and be something where pupils really can try out their creativity and love of the internet and all things computer-based.

I think that the presentation probably speaks for itself.  There are links to our highly successful prject from last year, Je blogue, tu blogues...let's blog! as well as various projects that our pupils did whilst involved in the project.  In addition there are links to one of our current projects that involved no MFL at all "How green is your world?" .

I think it's really important to remember that, whilst ideal for the MFL teacher as a way of stimulating real contact with native speakers of a similar age, eTwinning can be used in many creative ways using English as the means of communication (just about everyone wants to got their pupils practising English if at all possible).   One of our most successful international projects is one with a school in the Netherlands that covers Victorian England and the First World War through our History department and doesn't involve the use of Languages at all.   Also, a little idea I have in my head for cross-curricular work with a department in school on a project from that curriculum area but work in French or German or Spanish (maybe with schools from across Europe, whose language learning is on the same level as our pupils).  That's just my sneaky way of getting pupils to use the language they learn without even knowing that their doing it!

Here is the presentation...

View more presentations from Langwitch.

I have also add this presentation to my Langwitch Wiki  and you can find it here.