
Monday 23 March 2009

Das Hokey Kokey

hokey_cokeyI have a tendancy to watch too many comedy shows on Dave or GOLD or even on the BBC.  Most of the programmes are (kindly) chosen for me by my husband (if I'm REALLY lucky, he even lets me watch the cricket - and not just England losing either...Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) and he, in return, allows me to watch the occasional CSI episode.

Yesterday, as a Mothers' Day treat he picked out a Bill Bailey live show that he'd so thoughfully Sky+ ed for a special occasion (yes, we "live the dream" in our house) and I discovered a treasure!

Now I'm sure that many people have seen this before but I'm a bit slow on the uptake with these things and found it hilarious. It's Bill Bailey doing Kraftwerk doing the Hokey Kokey all in German, of course.  I think is ideal for parts of the body (if not a bit basic really) but it's good to be daft from time to time and have a bit of a laugh.  Logo 2 Unit 3 "Topfit" is where it could fit in for me, how about you?

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