
Sunday 20 September 2009

I think I'm addicted... Wallwisher!
I thought for a long time about a project for the EDL on Friday that could included as many of our international partners as possible and, after having a go a Voicethread and no-one contibuting, I decided to go for something simpler. As I mentioned in my last post, I had a go with Wallwisher this week and I thought it was a great idea for a collaborative international project, so I set one up. It has already begun to have additions made so I'm hoping that by Friday all contributers will have a wonderful resource to share with their pupils and colleagues.

Friday 18 September 2009

Using Wallwisher

On the MFL Forum this week I read about Wallwisher in a post by Jimmy P. Subsequently I decided to try it out as a "welcome back" activity with a couple of classes. It's a work in progress but here is what we've got so far. Yr Y10 set 4 class and Y8 set 1 classes have contributed so far but I will be encouraging my Year 7 class, who've only just begun, to contribute in the coming week. I got some lovely sentences with parce que from some Year 8s, however our interweb was playing up a lot this week in school so not all got their's added, which was a shame...these things are sent to try us!
I'm thinking it might be a nice idea for the EDL next week to see how many differents introductions in differing languages we can get.
Here it is, anyway. I've closed comments on it for the moment but they will be re-opened during my next lesson in the ICT suite.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Holidays and High Hopes

The Zen Fountain in Les Rosiers-sur-Loire

The Zen Fountain in Les Rosiers-sur-Loire

Where did the holidays go? It seems like no time at all since the summer holidays were approaching too slowly and now they're over.

What wonderful times I had with my family. We went to France for two weeks and seemed to travel the full width of the country. Spending a week in the Loire Valley, 3 days in Disneyland Resort Paris (to give it it's full name) and then 4 days in a tiny little village on the French/German border called Liederschiedt visiting a friend. It certainly was action packed a lots of fun. Best of all I and my family got to speak lots of French and I discovered that my 7 year old really is a budding linguist, able to work out the meaning of signs and words with far more ease than many pupils I teach. It was so amazing watching her use all of the clues that I tell my pupils to use, without me even having to tell her. Also fascinating was the friendship that developed between my two children (7 and 4) and my friend's two (4 and 2 1/2). My children speak next to no German or French and Heike's children speak mainly German and often French. Despite the language barrier all four children played really well together and there were tears shed upon our departure.

Naturally, we had our usual visit to Eastbourne to visit my sister and watch the airshow. We saw the Red Arrows an all of the days we attended the event and enjoyed many other thrilling displays.
After that work seemed inevitable and I began to contemplate the year ahead of me. Where am I going? What am I doing (and why)?
There are some exciting things happening this year - none less so than the fact that I am to teach ICT for 6hrs a fortnight to Y7, Y8 and Y9. In order to do this I am going to have to learn how do use some applications quite quickly. Can't wait! In particular it will be interesting to see my job from the perspective of another subject area. How do they teach in ICT? Is it really different from teaching MFL? In addition ICT is taught in Tutor Groups throughout KS3, whereas MFL is taught in sets from Christmas of Y7, what will that be like? I already like teaching ICT before I've even had one class, as I already have all of the lessons and resources!
Added to that I have acquired a "new" job title, that of "International School Co-ordinator". Basically it means I just continue doing what I'm doing already. Continuing with that theme, we will re-apply for a Comenius Grant, after failing to gain funding last year. I'm currently trying to organise a preparation visit for January which will be entertaining! Also we have an all new French exchange with a school in Caussade near Toulouse.
As far as my MFL teaching is concerned, I have to admit to feeling a little stale, so I want to focus on injecting some enthusiasm into things. Naturally I'll continue to use ICT to motivate pupils and also lead some staff CPD within the department to encourage colleagues to follow suit. I'm also going to do some work on Phonics with my classes. After seeing Rachel Hawkes speak at Grasping the Nettle and being in touch with Suzi Bewell, I've bought a Jolly Phonics French book and a lovely Frieze and am going to spend time focusing on pronunciation with many of my pupils.
So not much then, in the year ahead. It should keep me out of trouble anyway!