
Wednesday 21 October 2009

International School Award

The ISA Badge

Back in January, it was suggested to me that I went to the ISA briefing meeting in London "as I was involved in a lot of the projects in it so would be good for me to know what to put in". A month later, no longer an innocentl by-stander in our bid to gain the Full International School Award, I was launched into compiling the whole portfolio.

For those who don't know, in order to gain the Full ISA you need to complete an Action Plan in September/October of all of your international, curricular-based projects that are taking place within that school year. This is then (hopefull) approved by the "ISA people" and then you spend the academic year gathering evidence of your 7 (minimum) "Key Activities", which  includes things like evaluations from pupils, staff and parents of events, photographs, samples of pupil work. All of this gets put together in a (very large) file and is then dispatched to the British Council in time for the deadline date, some time around the end of the school year. Simples...?

Or maybe not! It took over my life, the file went everywhere with me, I had evaluation forms coming out of my ears and chasing those evaluation forms, well...

However, in Ocotber I learnt that the hard work had paid off and we had been successful in our bid to be awarded the Full ISA - hurrah!!!

[caption id="attachment_323" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="Alistair Armstrong receiving our ISA from George Alagia"]Alistair Armstrong receiving our ISA from George Alagia[/caption]

The Award Ceremony took place in London on Friday 16th October and was presented by George Alagia and you can see our award being presented on the left. Those of you who know me will know that I have dramatically changed over the last few months...unfortunately I was ill in bed and couldn't attend the ceremony, so one of our Assistant Heads went in my place.

What I didn't realise was that, alongside the certificate we received, we are also the proud owners of an ISA flag which is now flying on one of the school flagpoles and a beautiful crysal. I could take a picture of the crystal today but not the flag as it was dull and raining all day.

[caption id="attachment_324" align="aligncenter" width="210" caption="Our ISA Crystal"]Our ISA Crystal[/caption]


  1. Well done. Your international work -e-twinning, blog - is an inspiration to all of us

  2. Well done. Your international work -e-twinning, blog - is an inspiration to all of us. You certainly deserve recogniton for your hard work. Congratulations.

  3. Well done. Your international work -e-twinning, blog - is an inspiration to all of us

  4. Well done. Your international work -e-twinning, blog - is an inspiration to all of us. You certainly deserve recogniton for your hard work. Congratulations.

  5. Bravo - a real credit to you and all your hard work and dedication. Those kids you teach don't realise how lucky they are. :) Suzi x

  6. Bravo - a real credit to you and all your hard work and dedication. Those kids you teach don't realise how lucky they are. :) Suzi x
