
Saturday 6 March 2010

Déjeuner du matin

Yesterday we had a borough-wide CPD Day. I was lucky enough to be able to choose what I wanted to do, rather than have a day of workshops thrust upon me, so I chose to go to our local CLC for a day of creativity on Apples.

We were given the task of making a film, using iMovie and we had to include a flashback. So, we got into groups of 4 - we were 3 linguists and an ICT teacher (unfortunately for the ICT teacher!). We quickly decided to go all French and arty, planning to use Déjeuner du matin by Jacques Prévert. The final result can be seen below and we were all very pleased with the outcome. We would have liked to have added some piano music in the background for that true arty feel but, unfortunately we ran out of time!

I'm now buzzing with ideas as to how I can use what I learnt with my pupils - just need the time to be able to do it...


  1. Wow ! Looks like a very good day was had by all. Love it ! Very atmospheric and moody.

  2. Loved it girls. Time for a career change?

  3. ha, ha,ha!
    Where did you go yesterday?

  4. Hi Helen, have just added your blog to - a stream of UK teachers' blog posts. Please let me know if this is ok, and also if you'd like me to add you to the twitter stream at

  5. Hi Pete,
    Thanks for visiting. Thank you for adding my blog to - that's fine with me!Yes, please do add me to the Twitterstream as well.
    Thanks again :o)

  6. Well well well, I google Ian Ramsey and I find this! Glad to see your still around, wish you'd taught me x
