
Friday 16 April 2010

Race for Life

It has become a bit of tradition for me (and Alice) now to do the Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research UK. This year is no different so I've just signed up. We would like to raise as much money as possible, obviously. If you would like to sponsor us you can do so by following this link or by clicking on the widget in the sidebar.
Thank you in advance for supporting the work of Cancer Research UK. :o)

Tuesday 13 April 2010

The Wall of Language

The Wall of Language is a website that has been created by Nick Mair and Nick Friend with support of the Association for Language Learning and CILT for you to email prospective MPs questions about Language Learning. The website states

"Our aim is to make all political parties include a statement about the importance of languages in their manifesto."

It's easy to take part, just go to the website and follow the instructions on the Home Page. There are plenty of letters that have already been written that you can use and there's even a link for you to find out who your Parliamentary Candidates are.

This is a great opportunity to see what importance our prospective MPs place on Languages, with falling numbers at KS4 and so few University students opting to take a Language degree.

I've written to the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat candidates for my constituency, however unfortunately I couldn't contact the Independent and UKIP candidates as they appeared to have no contact details. If someone could help me with that I would be very grateful :o)

Friday 9 April 2010


I was really pleased to read a tweet from Chris Harte that there is to be another TeachMeet in Newcastle on Thursday 29th April. This will be the third Northeastern TeachMeet and I'm really looking forward to being inspired again by some fantastic teachers from the local area and to meeting up with like minded teachers and old and new friends.

There is a change of venue for this TeachMeet - The North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers - it's near Central Station so should be pretty easy for people to get to.

If you've never been to a TeachMeet before, this is an ideal opportunity to come along and find out what all the fuss is about. For more information and to sign up here: TeachMeetNE10

Friday 2 April 2010

Online International Collaboration

The second CPD session that I ran for Links into Languages was about Online International Collaboration. Here is the presentation I gave for that session...

(My) Top Ten Tools for Digital Creativity in MFL

On the 23rd and 30th March Routes into Languages ran 2 International Festivals for Northeast schools at the Universities of Newcastle and Teesside. Alongside these 2 events, Links into Languages offered CPD for teachers who had accompanied pupils and asked me of I could run 2 sessions.

The first of these sessions was about online tools that we as MFL teachers can use to encourage creativity in our pupils and that we can use in our teaching to spice up our lessons. Below is the presentation I gave with my personal top 10 favourites. One day I'll get as prefessional as Joe Dale and Lisa Stevens and take lots of photographs as well, altough that would involve remembering to take the photos in the first place!

Please feel free to contribute with other tools that you like to use...