
Friday 2 April 2010

(My) Top Ten Tools for Digital Creativity in MFL

On the 23rd and 30th March Routes into Languages ran 2 International Festivals for Northeast schools at the Universities of Newcastle and Teesside. Alongside these 2 events, Links into Languages offered CPD for teachers who had accompanied pupils and asked me of I could run 2 sessions.

The first of these sessions was about online tools that we as MFL teachers can use to encourage creativity in our pupils and that we can use in our teaching to spice up our lessons. Below is the presentation I gave with my personal top 10 favourites. One day I'll get as prefessional as Joe Dale and Lisa Stevens and take lots of photographs as well, altough that would involve remembering to take the photos in the first place!

Please feel free to contribute with other tools that you like to use...


  1. Danielle (kukukukuku)2 April 2010 at 11:21

    another great post! thanks very much for sharing. My top ten would include most of those, but I think I would have to include word magnets like those at - and voice thread as well. But what would I leave out to keep the list at just 10? Might need to be a top 15... or top 20...

  2. Thank you :o) I'll have a look at the word magnets...think you're right about 15 or 20!

  3. Hi Danielle (again)
    Oh my! On reading your comment again I checked thinking "I have included Voicethread" to discover I'd uploaded the wrong, incomplete presentation!!!! The complete one is now there instead :os
