
Saturday 30 November 2013

iPads and Languages

Back in September, I learned that I had been extremely fortunate because my bid for iPads for the MFL department had been successful. After several hiccups, the much talked about tablets finally arrive in my room on Wednesday.
I was very concerned, that this useful technology would turn up in my room and would just be left unused, thus making it all a huge waste of time and money.  In order to combat that, this week I have spent time with every class I teaching doing "something" with the iPads. Nothing flash, just making sure that each class uses them, is familiar with expectations and protocols surrounding their use and seeing that I'm not afraid for it all to go horribly wrong!
I was lucky, as on Wednesday I had my two year 11 classes. This meant I could start with classes who I know well, who I know are sensible and who I  knew would react positively should I choose to do things that didn't work. I am happy to report that things went very well! 
So, keeping it simple so far what have I used the iPads for?
Consolidating, reinforcing and learning new language with the superb Languages Online.  This has been redesigned recently, making it very easy to use with tablets.  This was great, as normally I'd go into an ICT suite to use this website. The added bonus was, that pupils had their exercises books easily accessible and could make note of new language in their books. They were much more proactive with this, than when I do that kind of activity in an ICT suite. An added bonus was, that "languages" is a tricky word to type (for me!), so to avoid the "mine hasn't gone to the right place" situation, I created a QR code with the link, and pupils accessed the site thought that. Simples!
I also got my y11s using Sock Puppets to talk about what they eat and sports they do (Healthy Living!). They spoke and listened to loads of French.  Much more than had it been a "normal" lesson.
My y8 class used the iPads for a plenary on Linoit.  Much nicer than paper post its, as that Lino is now on the MLF blog for them to revisit!
Finally Socrative. Just fab! I started off creating quizzes from scratch and find it all a bit clunky at first (learning is clunky at first, until your used to it) but after a few goes, it's become like second nature.  I particularly like that pupils can vote on responses, which means they are peer assessing all the time.
I wonder what next week will bring ...

Somethings I am very keen to ensure are...
iPads don't just become and "add on", they become a natural part of a lesson
iPads don't become a hindrance to learn. They need to be used for real learning and not just for the sake of it.

I also think that for them to be successful I have be not afraid to make mistakes, also be prepared to learn from my classes (they've already taught me a lot this week), have faith in my students and trust them to do what is asked of them....but then, don't we do that everyday as teachers, no. After what we are doing in our teaching?

I shall report back more iPad adventures in a few weeks...


  1. Thanks for this - I'm really interested in how ipads can be used in MFL and I hope you keep coming back with more ideas!

    1. Thanks, Mary. I hope to keep adding to my repertoire of activities and will definitely report back :)
