
Wednesday 25 February 2009

Has my teaching gone viral?

virusI just had to share this event that happened in the penultimate snowy lesson of last half term.

In a previous post, I wrote about the BBC Learning Zone Broadband Class Clips that are available at Primary and Secondary level for just about every subject.  Back in November time, I used a particularly corny clip where a boy spoke about how he helped at home and then there was a wonderfully awful song and dance, with my top Year 9 German set (who gave the exact reaction that I'd expected!).  Well, one of the girls in my lesson came and asked my where she could find the clip so she could watch it again - and of course, I had to explain that, since educational videos are evil, nasty things, they can't be viewed by individual pupils just by teachers - but then she told me how after the lesson in November she had found it at home and had sent it to her friends to watch, who all found it hilarious as well!  So that means not only did she watch the GERMAN video again but also many of her friends who weren't in my German class ALSO watched the GERMAN video too! So there we have GERMAN reaching the pupils in their own time, them enjoying it AND doing it volutarily.  Who would have thought it, pupils doing something relating to MFL in their own time and of their own free will...and proabably without even realising it. 

For me, it's the way forward, I love the idea that my pupils want to seek out the language that they learn at school and enjoy it just for fun.  After all, isn't enjoyment the reason we speak different languages?  I refer you once again to the magnificent quote from the last post about Prague!


  1. Hi Ms Langwitch!

    What a great blog! I am a Language (German) teacher in Australia (bit of a trek from where you are!) and am loving your posts. Just sent the other German teachers in my team the link to the Bill Bailey clip - very funny!

    Anyway, in relation to this post, I would love to know where your student found the German clip outside of the BBC site. I tried getting onto the BBC site (which looks great) but it won't let me :-/

    So if you could let me know where else I can find these types of German clips that would be wonderful.

    Keep up the fantastic blogging!

    Belinda from Bendigo, Australia

  2. Thank you for visiting Belinda. I'm glad that you have found my blog useful. I'm not sure where else you can get hold of the German clip but will investigate this evening and email you when I find anything out.
    Thanks again for reading!
    Helena :o)

  3. Hi Ms Langwitch!

    What a great blog! I am a Language (German) teacher in Australia (bit of a trek from where you are!) and am loving your posts. Just sent the other German teachers in my team the link to the Bill Bailey clip - very funny!

    Anyway, in relation to this post, I would love to know where your student found the German clip outside of the BBC site. I tried getting onto the BBC site (which looks great) but it won't let me :-/

    So if you could let me know where else I can find these types of German clips that would be wonderful.

    Keep up the fantastic blogging!

    Belinda from Bendigo, Australia

  4. Thank you for visiting Belinda. I'm glad that you have found my blog useful. I'm not sure where else you can get hold of the German clip but will investigate this evening and email you when I find anything out.
    Thanks again for reading!
    Helena :o)
