
Friday 20 February 2009

You may have noticed...I've moved

movingYou may have notice that I've moved!  But, why?  I hear you ask in amazement!

Firstly, I'm easily bored and I'd been with Blogger for over a year so felt it was time for a change.

Secondly, it makes accessing my blog easier from educational establishments.  Now there's no "blogspot" in the URL , I don't need to get it unblocked at work (Yes, I've checked).

Finally to give myself a bit of an identity.  Recently I met someone, who only after we'd met and I'd sent them an email did they realise that I'm Langwitch (as well as Helena Butterfield).  I know I could have done this via other means but, hey!

I have to admit that once I'd decided to take the plunge, I was terrified.  I know nothing about hosts, of downloading stuff, or any technical languages.  However, as an adventurous kind of gal, I decided I'd go for it anyway and after a day fo terror yesterday and almost throwing my laptop out of the window, I go there at about 10.30 pm yesterday evening.

How did I do it?  Well, I'm not really sure.  I sorted out a host and got a "quick install" of Wordpress through the host (????) and then the fun started.  Of course I dislike the original theme so that was the first thing to sort out.  Oh dear!  I had to get into all kinds of stuff I didn't understand and at one point ended up with a blog that was just full of code!  I have no idea how, but anyway I managed to fix it (technical wizard that I am).  I also had a very steep and quick learning curve, discovering something called FTP husband had to come to my rescue over that one eventually (well, actually, he told me to watch the video tutorial...and surprise, surprise it worked!).

Anyway, here we are!  I've contact as many people as I think are interested to let them know of my change of address (including a very brave email to Cilt to ask them to change their link to this blog) and have also left my Blogger blog active with a post linking here. 

So there we are.  I think this blog looks pretty cool and quite professional as well-I particularly like the "About" bit (Though think it's a bit self-indulgent of me to have written anything!).  What do you think?  I'd love to have som honest opinions and hints about blogging with Wordpress.


  1. I think you've made a good move. Wordpress is a very good blog platform.

    I looking forward to reading more.

  2. Thanks for visiting, Glen. I'm hoping it will improve my bloggin experience, no end!

  3. I think you've made a good move. Wordpress is a very good blog platform.

    I looking forward to reading more.

  4. Thanks for visiting, Glen. I'm hoping it will improve my bloggin experience, no end!

  5. Hi Helena

    Fab blog! I'd never be that clever! I, too, look forward to reading more.

  6. Well done, you!
    Is it easier to upload stuff in wordpress? If it is, might take the plunge too!!


  7. Hmmm, don't know yet. Haven tried but will be uploading a video of Prague in a post sometime in the near future!

  8. This looks really great Helena. Will change the link on my blog

  9. I need to change the link in my blog also. Good work and love the moving photo!

  10. Thanks, Andrea. I'll add a link to your blog too! Can't remember where I found the moving photo now, but thought it was funny!

  11. Well done, you!
    Is it easier to upload stuff in wordpress? If it is, might take the plunge too!!


  12. Hmmm, don't know yet. Haven tried but will be uploading a video of Prague in a post sometime in the near future!

  13. This looks really great Helena. Will change the link on my blog

  14. I need to change the link in my blog also. Good work and love the moving photo!

  15. Thanks, Andrea. I'll add a link to your blog too! Can't remember where I found the moving photo now, but thought it was funny!

  16. Hi Helena

    Fab blog! I'd never be that clever! I, too, look forward to reading more.
