
Wednesday 24 June 2009

Race for Life - Ormesby Hall 2009


For the third time in a row, I headed to Ormesby Hall on Saturday morning to take part in Cancer Research UK's Race for Life. This year was a little bit different, as I had my favourite 7 year old taking part with me. Alice was desperate to take part this year, since one of her friend's had done it last year and she likes to do the same thing as her friends (of course).dsc01599
We made no pretence of trying to run this year and duly lined up with the "Walkers" to cross the start line about 10 mins after the first runners. It was most disconcerting to, having only just completed the first kilometre, see the winner heading for the finish line. Alice couldn't believe it!!!
We finished the race in a record 56 mins and have been challenged to run it in 35 mins next year by Mr. Langwitch - he said he'd sponsor us £100 if we did.
I don't think you can tell by the picture, but on our backs we wrote "I race for lifedsc01600 for Pauline's mum". Pauline is my closest friend and her mum is currently in the final stages of ovarian cancer, so we felt it was very important to race for her.
All in all it was a good morning, we didn't get too wet and my hand didn't quite fall off after being held onto very tightly for 5 km by a 7 yr old girl :o)

ps. You can still sponsor us online here


  1. Congratulations, especially to Alice on completing her first Race for Life. It really eggs me on to complete my Race for Life in July.

  2. Thanks for your support! Sometimes I feel it's not much but, hey, it's better than nothing!
    Helena x

  3. Congratulations, especially to Alice on completing her first Race for Life. It really eggs me on to complete my Race for Life in July.

  4. Thanks for your support! Sometimes I feel it's not much but, hey, it's better than nothing!
    Helena x

  5. The Race for Life is such a good cause. As a cancer survivor, I recognise the need for more research. You can read my full survivor's story here:

    Graham Davies

  6. Thank you for your support, Graham. Your story should serve as a fine example to all of us that cancer can be overcome! We can only find a cure through more research!

  7. The Race for Life is such a good cause. As a cancer survivor, I recognise the need for more research. You can read my full survivor's story here:

    Graham Davies

  8. Thank you for your support, Graham. Your story should serve as a fine example to all of us that cancer can be overcome! We can only find a cure through more research!
