
Sunday 29 November 2009


Whilst at the MFL Show and Tell, Joe Dale told us about Songsmith (I'd read his blogpost about it before but I'm an Auditory / Kinaesthetic learner...) and was filled with possibilities and ideas. I couldn't wait to find the opportunity to use it. Fortunately that opportunity showed itself soon than I'd imagined.

My Year 8 German class had been making "Haben" raps the week before and hadn't got very far with them at all so I felt that the injection of Songsmith would be really beneficial.

As Songsmith is on my laptop and downloading anything onto a school computer is difficult as I don't have administrator rights (and rightly so!) I decided we'd have a carousel-type activity. I split the class into groups of 3 and set up my laptop with a microphone in my office, gave a quick tutorial and we were away!

After they were recorded I popped them onto the Levelator and made podcasts out of them. They can all be found on my Langwitch school blog but I really liked this one best from "RP, BW, BS":


  1. Oooh, ooh. I had seen you all tweet about Songsmith but hadn't had time to investigate. My students MUST do this. How motivating and memorable for them.

    Good job, Helena!

  2. Oooh, ooh. I had seen you all tweet about Songsmith but hadn't had time to investigate. My students MUST do this. How motivating and memorable for them.

    Good job, Helena!

  3. The youtube is pretty cringeworthy though, isn't it?

  4. The youtube is pretty cringeworthy though, isn't it?

  5. lol-it's America...I've come to expect it! Wow the possibilities, living life in song all the time!

  6. lol-it's America...I've come to expect it! Wow the possibilities, living life in song all the time!

  7. I found out about Songsmith via your post on Box of Tricks in my email this morning. Loved the haben rap, and also the work your kids did on the weekend. (My French is a tad rusty to comment!) Problem is Songsmith is only for Windows, but I hope Mac will follow suit.

  8. I found out about Songsmith via your post on Box of Tricks in my email this morning. Loved the haben rap, and also the work your kids did on the weekend. (My French is a tad rusty to comment!) Problem is Songsmith is only for Windows, but I hope Mac will follow suit.

  9. Thank you. Glad you liked it. Shame about Songsmith, I don't know if there's anything similar for the Mac...I hope so...
    Helena :o

  10. Thank you. Glad you liked it. Shame about Songsmith, I don't know if there's anything similar for the Mac...I hope so...
    Helena :o

  11. Really nice find, thanks for sharing with us.Remarkable job!
