
Sunday 6 December 2009


teachmeet09-02On Wednesday 2nd December Chris Harte and team organised the second TeachMeetNE of the year at the Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle.
After a hectic journey up the A19 (with a huge delay due to a broken down car!!!) we arrived in good time for the start of proceedings.
Then event was extremely well attended and, as ever the Tyneside Cinema proved to be an excellent location, with wine flowing freely throughout the evening.
There were some amazing presentations by some very amusing and knowledgeable colleagues from the local area and we also had colleagues join us from around the world via Flashmeeting.
I spoke about my top tools to get pupils talking and the presentation is below. Underneath the presentation you will also find links to examples of the tools that I spoke about. It's so important for we linguists to get our pupils talking and improving their foereign accents but it was really interesting to see that non-linguists were also interested in how they could use some of these tools with their pupils.

Voki: from our eTwinning Project

Voicethread: Very basic-I'm sure you could come up with something much better!

Songsmith: Haben chants

Slideshare: My French Jolly Phoniques Slidecast

Podcasts: Langwitch Radio (German) Radio Langwitch (French)

More information about the TeachMeet09-02 event can be found on the Ning.

Finally I'd like to say thank you to Rosemary for giving me a lift, thus making sure I didn't need to drive into central Newcastle!


  1. Really enjoyed TMNE09-2 and thought your presentation was excellent. As a linguist I shall be incorporating many of your ideas into my classes in the not too distant future. Many thanks. :0)

  2. Really enjoyed TMNE09-2 and thought your presentation was excellent. As a linguist I shall be incorporating many of your ideas into my classes in the not too distant future. Many thanks. :0)

  3. [...] about my Top Tools for encouraging pupils to talk. I did a short presentation on this topic at TeachMeetNE09-02 a couple of weeks ago and this post gives me the opportunity to talk in more detail about some of [...]
