
Saturday 24 July 2010

The end of an era

Yesterday was the end of an important chapter in my life.

Eight years ago, whilst looking for a teaching job with less hours, it was suggested to me that, maybe instead of reducing my hours I should apply to be Head of German/2nd in Area at Ian Ramsey C of E School in Stockton. "OK", I thought...after all it was much closer to home and the school I attended where I gained my passion for Languages. I applied and was successful so started in the following January.

I've certainly had my ups and downs and highs and lows over the last 71/2 years. I went from 2nd in Area to 2 days a week for 2 years after Dan was born and enjoyed that, although I found sharing all of my classes very difficult and when a full-time member of the department was promoted elsewhere I offered to return to work full-time. After some to-ing and fro-ing it was agreed that I would and was thrown in at the deep end  with a difficult timetable and finding out (by accidenet) the day before term started I was to inherit a Year 8 Tutor Group. However, having got over the initial hurdles I achieved and "outstanding" in our OfSted Inspection and began blogging and Tweeting.

Since then my career has gone from strength to strength with, with me having the opportunity to speak at various locations on a range of topics becoming a Links into Languages trainer this year. At work I compiled our (succesfull) International School Award portfolio last year and have set up many international projects and even had the opportunity to teach ICT this year (heehee). Over the last 3 years I also became very fond of my surprise Tutor Group!

Earlier this year I applied for and was appointed to a new post which begins in September, so yesterday ended 8 years of my fact more like 14 years if we include the 5 years I spend there as a pupils and the 5 years that my sister spent there too (she's 2 years younger than me). I was very sad to leave yesterday as I have made some great friends who I will be friends with for many years to come, I was given loads of support and guidance by some very special people who I feel very priviledged to have worked with and I got to work with some fantastic pupils-mainly from my Tutor Group.

So, whilst I look forward with anticipation and excitement to the challenges of my new post as Head of Languages at St. Michael's RC School in Billingham I also want to say thank you to all those who made my time at Ian Ramsey such an unforgettable experience.


  1. All the best to you in your new career venture!

  2. Good luck with your new post. I hope you find it fulfilling.

  3. Gerry O'Hanlon29 July 2010 at 22:59

    Wow, good luck at St Michael's next year, Helena. Exciting stuff; I've heard some really good things about St Michael's; sounds like a great place to work.
    I'm busy putting a vision for languages together that might hopefully also get other teachers thinking and exchanging ideas. It would be great if you'd contribute your thoughts. best wishes, Gerry O'Hanlon

  4. Hi Gerry
    Thanks for reading! I've heard good things too :-) I will definitely contribute to the wallwisher when I get back from my holidays :-)))

    Sent from my iPod

  5. I see both of the best Language teachers have now left, that being you and a male who shall remain nameless. Your lessons really helped me recently when I took up a teaching post at a local riding school - with international clientelle. I've now taught in French, Italian and German. You will no doubt be missed amongst staff and pupils alike, all the very best in your new post.

  6. Thanks for reading Emily!
    I'm glad that your languages have proved useful to you :o) I will certainly miss Ian Ramsey and pupils and staff alike:o)
