
Friday 5 November 2010

Hello MYLO!

About a year ago I was asked whether I would be interested in becoming a MYLO Ambassador. I was intrigued, having heard about the new My Languages Online website that would be a free online resource for language learners so, naturally I agreed, always keen to use technology with pupils to motivate and engage them.

From Easter through to the summer holidays I trialled the website with my Year 8 top set French class and also a lower ability Spanish class. I have to say that they absolutely loved using it. They really liked the points aspect of the activities both for the sense of achievement of amassing points and also from the competition point of view of scoring points against their fellow classmates and also...against others schools!

I was therefore extremely pleased to hear today that the MYLO site is now finally out of the trial phase and live. You don't need to register to use it, however if you do, you can set up school groups and class groups and they can compete against one another. Maybe just the ticket for those who have go the competitive bug after the Language Olympics!

Visit the site here: to create an account or just have a play around and think about how you could use it!


  1. Hi. I had a look at the "bande dessinée" tasks in French. They seem OK. It all worked fine. Not sure how it would go down with the brightest pupils, but it may not be aimed at them. I'd have to give it a try. Anyway, I've registered our school, so I'll give it a go soon. Let's hope it keeps going. I can imagine the government saying they'll let it continue on a subscription basis. On the other hand, given that they are panicking a bit over MFL, they might keep paying up.

  2. Thanks for reading Steve. I hope the government kee going too! I really like it...I think with anything it will take some getting used to.
    I think the challenge depends on the task you do...I've noticed some of the "coming soon" challenges are L6-8 (although have to admit my Y8 top set did a L4-6 challenge and struggled with understanding what they actually had to produce :o/).
    I'll be interested to see what changes have been made after the trial and see whether they took comments into consideration.
