
Monday 15 November 2010

MFL Show and Tell

On Saturday I was lucky to be able to attend the third MFL Show and Tell which was held at The Radclyffe School in Oldham and hosted by Isabelle Jones.

About 40 people had signed up on the Wiki to attend and it was really great to see so many MFLers there, keen to share ideas and learn from one another.

I decided to have a go a presenting and spoke about my eTwinning experiences. You can see the presenation here below.

There were so many fantastic ideas to take away and use straight away my head is still buzzing. Just some of the things I'm planning to have a go at in the near future are:

There was loads of other fabulous ideas that I listening to and I'm sure I've missed loads of inspriring stuff...I'll blog more about things as I try them!

Thank you to Isabelle Jones for organising and hosting such a wonderful day and to Dominic McGladdery for driving!

For some more detailed blogposts about the whole day you can read more on Dominic's blog and Isabelle's blog.

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