
Saturday 27 October 2012

Active Learning - Clouds

I've also heard this activity called trap doors or otra vez and am sure that others call it by many other things - and my pupils probably call it something entirely different (!)
Some people have asked what it is so, although I know that many use this already, I thought I'd do a blog anyway.
The first thing to know about clouds is that it cover loads of different skills such as Speaking and Listening (literacy), Reading (literacy), active learning and lots more. It gets pupils talking in the target language straight away and I love it that as soon as I set my classes off doing this activity the classroom is buzzing with the sound of French/German and the sound of happy pupils!
So, this is how it works. You have a text and every so often you have a little cloud image / square with a choice of 3 words in it. Partner one chooses what their text will be, choosing one of the three words in the cloud/box whenever they get there. (They should not tell their partner what they have chosen). Partner 2 then tries to work out what their partner's text says by reading it aloud to their partner. When they get to a cloud/box they say 1 of the words in it. If they are correct, their partner says oui/ja/etc... and they can continue, however if they are wrong their partner says non/nein/etc... and they have to go right back to the beginning again. The best thing is when a pair really want to test each other and they get right to the end and quite deliberately say it's wrong so that the whole thing has to be read out again!
 Below is a simple screenshot of what one of my cloud activities looks like, incase you're struggling to envisage what it would look like...

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