
Saturday 31 May 2008

Back from my travels

Wow, it seems like ages since I got to sit down in my favourite chair, watching the TV and of course playing about on my laptop.
In my last post I said I was off to the Netherlands, so I'll start there with this post.
We had a very busy 3 days visiting our partner school in Terneuzen. Things began with a flight to Amsterdam - there were, of course tears - and then a long car journey to the south of the country. Having hired a car, I thought I'd easily be able to drive on the "wrong side of the road". How wrong I was! Fortunately Marije, a native of the Netherlands was accompanying me and was able to do the driving. It's amazing what 8 years of marriage and motherhood seem to have done to me. Ten years ago, I'd have thought nothing about hopping into a foreign car and driving it but I simply panicked and the thought of a 6km tunnel turned me into a shivering wreck! I feel I've become somewhat deskilled - something I need to address very soon.
Once we had arrived we were whisked off to a meeting in Gent of all teachers involved in international projects whe the ZSC. A bit of a shock, I have to admit, as we hadn't been warned about this. It was fascinating to see how keen schools in other European countries are to be able to work on collaborative projects with other schools in other countries. I think they found it very hard to understand that many schools in England are driven so much by results and league tables that they are unwilling to let pupils and teachers out of schools for any length of time because they worry that results and reputations will suffer. Anyway, we eventually got "home" and were asleep very quickly - not even a hint of alcohol all day (very unusual for me!).
Wednesday was a very busy day, leaving for Ypres (or Ieper as I will now call it) at 9 and returning to school at 9.30 in the evening. We went with some older pupils at the ZSC and Spanish pupils from Madrid who were working on a project there. We went to the "In Flanders Fields" museum which was very interesting. I particularly liked that pupils were allocated a personality from the was and they had tasks to fulfill, using that person's experiences. It meant that the kids couldn't wander aimlessly around the museum not really picking up on anything. We then headed off to Tyne Cot Cemetry which was an odd experience but very interesting nevertheless. What I found most amazing was finding the name of my grandad's Uncle Tommy Bower of the Seaford Highlanders on the Tyne Cot Memorial and taking a picture of it. We next went to a trench at Hill 62 and the kids enjoyed seeing real trenches and getting very muddy in and out of the tunnels. After a very informative look at the trenches we went back into Ieper for tea, a tour of the town and Last Post at the Mennin Gate which was packed. All in all a very tiring day, physically and emotionally. It's certainly something that will stick with me for a long time!
Finally on the Thursday we had a 2 hours in the ZSC with a school tour and meeting the staff before heading off back to Amsterdam. I managed to get the kids some slipper cloggs which they love before going to check in and board. There was a little bit of drama as we thought we might not get on the flight but in actual fact we were moved up to business class - nice!
A wonderful trip and I am very grateful that my Headteacher had enough faith in me to send me to plan our project and represent the school - first for me! The thing that most sticks out for me, however is that 10 years ago I would have taken all of the challenges presented to me - particularly the car thing - in my stride and now I found these things rather difficult. How can this have happened? I'll have to build on this and find my ability to do most things without a problem...oh and did I mention that alcohol did not pass my lips for the whole time I was away!!! I was please to see the family again though :o)

Monday 19 May 2008

Off to Holland

I'm heading for Holland very early tomorrow morning to plan the Dutch leg of our History project. We have a packed schedule, involving arriving in Amsterdam at midday, hiring a car to drive for aobut 3 hrs to Terneuzen and then going to Ypres on Wednesday with some Spanish pupils! While I'm really looking forward to it, there are a couple of things making me really apprehensive this evening:
  1. I feel extremely sad at the thought of leaving Graeme and the kids. What will I be like when I go to Cologne for 3 nights in June!!!
  2. As can be seen in some of my recent "Tweets", I'm not the best flyer. If leaving the family behind doesn't bring me to tears, take-off most certainly will.
  3. I can't speak Dutch!
  4. Can't think of a 4th at the moment!
I'm sure that it will all be worthwhile and I will enjoy it once I get there...I just have to actually GET there in order to enjoy!

Sunday 18 May 2008

Testing out moblogging

Experimenting with moblogging!

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email

Friday 16 May 2008

My IWB Challenge Week 4

At last... I thought I might crumble under the pressure!
Well, here I am at the end of my IWB challenge. I actually taught a full week of lessons this week - my first and only one of the half term! I was therefore able to "get stuck in" and use the board in ways I hadn't done before. Maybe I missed the training on "How to use the Activestudio to its full potential" but this week I taught myself anyway! It's so easy to use!
  • I created 2 of my own listening exercises this week by just recording myself in Audacity and converting to mp3, then instead of just saving the sound files into "My documents" I saved them in the "my sounds" folder within the "My Activstudio3" folder and then when creating the flipchart I was able to just drag and drop them into the correct place. Fabberoony! The end result, a beautifully laid out table with a soundfile next to each person in the table and me knowing exactly what was going on (oh, and the pupils/ other staff in my Area being very impressed at my technical abilities!!)
  • I also made an Animoto video of hobbies and tried to embed it into a flipchart but I think that needs more practice!!
  • I also had a look at the "Flipchart builder" and founda lovely venn diagram, so I used that to do a "thinking skills" activity as a starter about breakfast food. One section was "France" the other was "Angleterre" and the class had to drag and drop the French words into the section they thought best fitted - naturally there were a lot in the middle bit!
  • In addition, I used the drag and drop to create severla sentences in several different ways.
It didn't help that in all of my activities the software kept crashing so kids had to sit at the computer and move things around.

Onto Animoto, briefly, I'm currently working on a couple of projects with some classes...more to follow after half term!

Throughout this challenge I have learnt that:
  1. The Activestudio 3 software is a lot more versatile than I gave it credit for
  2. Lesson planning can be fun
  3. Kids really enjoy the interactivity the IWB brings and are a lot more engaged thus they (should, theoretically) learn better!
I probably learnt a lot more too but have already forgotten it!

Sunday 11 May 2008

My IWB Challenge Week 3

Oh dear...
I think I taught 2 "proper" lessons in my classroom this week, with a Bank Holiday, Orals and SATs going on!
With one of those classes I couldn't do anything with the IWB, as I'd just finished my Orals and was lacking in the creative department. The other lesson, I did use my IWB but it wasn't particularly innovative or new! I created a flipchart of food pictures for a game of splat as a started (the kids love my all new fly-shaped fly swatters that one of my colleagues brought me back from Germany!). We then dragged the pictures into columns for masculine and feminine. Following on from that, I used the pen to just write and discuss du, de la and des, Then the pen stopped working so I had to type - which was better really, since the kids could read it more easily.
That was last lesson on Friday so that was it !
I have made some steps forward though. I now have Activstudio 3 installed on my computer at home so am now able to have a "play" and learn how to use it all properly!

Newsday 2008

I fear today might be like buses in blogging wait ages for one then three come along at once!
In January we took part in the Newsday...we being 10 G&T Yr10 French pupils and 10 G&T Yr10 German pupils. We produced 2 newspapers in a day and went them of to Brian Robinson. This week we received the results of the competition. For both papers we gained a "Highly Commended" which was an improvement on last year when we got "Highly Commended" for one and "Commended" for the other. What was particularly nice was that our French paper was commended for it's standard of French and the judges thought that our German paper's report of the Newsday Event was the "best in our section of the competition".
I was really pleased for the pupils involved, as they worked really hard together to get such high quality end resultss...despite the fact that there was "no news" on the day we chose to do our Newsday :o)
I will add copies of the papers to this pst when I'm at work, as unfortunately I don't have th files with me at home :o(

Friday 2 May 2008

My IWB Challenge Week 2 and the Animoto Challenge

Two challenges for the price of one this week!
Embarking upon the IWB Challenge for this week, I decided it could be a good way to begin working on the Animoto Challenge that Jose Picardo set on his blog Box of Tricks the week before last. So, despite only being in my classroom 3 days this week due to my French Speaking Exams, I've been a busy bee.

Firstly, I used that Joe Dale blogged about and Lisa Stevens also used last week, to create a plenary for my Yr 8 class who have just begun to learn about food (I'm absolutely miles behind where I should be in Metro 2 vert!). It a was very simple word level activity, however they really enjoyed coming up to the board to click on the right answer. (Despite not being able to read the smaller words due to my high-quality projector) Here it is

Naturally, I used animated Yr 9 set 5 class, who seemed "unteachable" back in September loved them. I also did a "vocabulary circle" (as we call them in our dept.) automatic slide transition and music for their plenary, putting together countries and transport (we're planning a holiday) which they adored and didn't get too carried away with the music.

I got brave and started to use the ActiveStudio this week as well (I say brave, because it is like diving into the unknown wondering where the writing is going to appear this time - and yes, it is callibrated!!!). However, with Yr 11 I did Speed Dating, with one question on each page and set the clock to chime every 2 minutes (much to the frustration of the class above me!) so that they (and I ) knew when to change. I've use the timer quite a bit this week - mainly to annoy my colleagues - only joking!

Going back to Powerpoint, I'm planning a different kind of holiday with my other Yr 9 class (no, not one that involves running very quickly off a cliff), as they are - apparently of a higher level than the previous class. We are consolidating knowledge of Europe at the moment, so I decided to do some European Geography with them. I'm working with some Yr 7 pupils on the Alternative Eurovision Song Contest as mentionned in a previous post and Jo Rys-Jones provided us with a fanatastic map of Europe powerpoint where you could move the map pins around. I hope that she doesn't mind that I used this with my Yr 9 class and they loved it! I was stunned at how much they DID know :o) I only wish I knew how to do something so clever myself, as I tried all night one night and failed :o( Thank you Jo!

Finally to Animoto. My Tutor Group, whom I adore (Yr 8) are doing a unit on the EU at the moment in Citizenship, so as a starter I created a 30 second Animoto video that feature items relating to various EU countries and they had to see how many countried they could spot. Couldn't decide which I liked best one with some latin music (seen below) or another with Ode to Joy...see YouTube.

Continuing with the Animoto theme, I also made a video of some of the photos from our Dutch project. Here is is (there is a rare photo of me with colleagues in there...can you spot it?)