
Sunday 11 May 2008

My IWB Challenge Week 3

Oh dear...
I think I taught 2 "proper" lessons in my classroom this week, with a Bank Holiday, Orals and SATs going on!
With one of those classes I couldn't do anything with the IWB, as I'd just finished my Orals and was lacking in the creative department. The other lesson, I did use my IWB but it wasn't particularly innovative or new! I created a flipchart of food pictures for a game of splat as a started (the kids love my all new fly-shaped fly swatters that one of my colleagues brought me back from Germany!). We then dragged the pictures into columns for masculine and feminine. Following on from that, I used the pen to just write and discuss du, de la and des, Then the pen stopped working so I had to type - which was better really, since the kids could read it more easily.
That was last lesson on Friday so that was it !
I have made some steps forward though. I now have Activstudio 3 installed on my computer at home so am now able to have a "play" and learn how to use it all properly!


  1. sans problèmes11 May 2008 at 15:30

    Difficult week Helena. Well done I like your game.
    I have just posted my activities as well. It's great to see what other people are doing and to share ideas.

  2. sans problèmes11 May 2008 at 22:30

    Difficult week Helena. Well done I like your game. I have just posted my activities as well. It's great to see what other people are doing and to share ideas.
