
Sunday 13 July 2008

"My name's Helena and I'm addicted to Facebook"...

Having blogged about Facebook before I didn't know whether to dedicate another post to it, however since it's on my mind here it is.
Up until about a month ago, Facebook was something I did to pass the time and maybe send fun things to people who sent me things etc... I also had my share of friends from University who I had on my list of friends but who really just lurked there. All this began to change about 4 weeks ago when, suddenly close friends and colleagues began to join and since then I seem to have become completely addicted. I have begun updating my status several times a day (unnecessary) sending bizarre things to people I only saw a couple of hours ago, returning far too many times in an evening to feel down-hearted when my so-called real "friends" haven't sent me anything, not even a gummi-bear! What it going on? I ask myself, have I become completely addicted or is it just that I have too much time on my hands and am so bored with the TV that it's just my form entertainment. Is it unhealthy, I ask myself, to be exchanging messages about work 10.30 on a Friday evening with colleagues, when I and they should be relaxing in front of the TV or, even better out in Yarm?
In addition to this I have let ex-pupils become friends (well, I said I would) and now don't know if I was right (don't know why though). I don't know if they really "get it" anyway as all they do is join groups with rude names!
My greatest concern is that my adiction could begin to affect my relationships with these people whom I see on a daily basis...maybe they don't want polar bears, octapi (is that the plural of octapus?) and other such things flung at them every evening and they are really not interested in my attempts at whitty updates.
So, where do I go from here? Do I delete my account? I came close to that last night! Or do I just stop worrying, come to the conclusion that I'm paranoid and try to return to where I was a month ago...sending l'il green patch requests, throwing things to Lisa Stevens and just generally getting on with my life?
I do hope that normal service will be resumed soon, because it's driving me crazy at the moment!!! I also quite liked messing on with Facebook before and I don't really enjoy it anymore at all - it all seems to have got too serious!

ps...I'd also like to apologise to anyone I have sent stuff to over the past month, if it wasn't appreciated :o(


  1. Please don't delete it - I'd miss you throwing things at me!! I know what you mean though! For me it's a form of stress relief so I can gauge how stressed (or bored) I am by the amount of time I spend poking / throwing etc.


  2. Please don't delete it - I'd miss you throwing things at me!! I know what you mean though! For me it's a form of stress relief so I can gauge how stressed (or bored) I am by the amount of time I spend poking / throwing etc.Lisaxx
