
Sunday 13 July 2008

The end of the diet!

I haven't updated on my diet was pointed out to me whilst doing the weekly shop at Tesco's! Maybe that's an indication of how things have been going.
Well, I'm at the end of the 6 week diet period and I've actually lost a stone:o) This is better than I hoped for...aimed for 12 lbs so I can't complain...except that being me, I would have like it to be more (of course).
It's so nice being able to wear clothes that I haven't been able to wear for the last year and I'm actually starting to re-gain a little more confidence so all in all it's been a good experience. I still have about 2 stones to go but at least it's a start!
I've faltered a little over the last few weeks, mainly due to my mood...brought on by my previously mentioned Facebook addiction. I think I've drunk a little bit too much too...and not just in diet terms! I find tiredness is always a good excuse to eat and is feeling fed up...and happy...and sad...oh alright then, just about any occasion is excuse enough for me! I have found though, that I can survive without rice and pasta and that, it would seem has been the key to my success. I've discovered some foods that I would never have considered eating and found them delicious too.
Now begins the hard work of keeping it off and even harder, losing more...

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