
Wednesday 2 July 2008

Exchange Disappointment

We've had some disppointing news this week about our exchange plans. We had planned to develop our extremely successful eTwinning project into an actual exchange during the next academic year, so I was very disppointed to learn that we aren't going to be able to do anything with it due to illness in the family of my contact there. She had hoped that other members of staff at her school would take on the organisation of the exchange but unfortunately no-one is wiling to do that. This is quite a blow after the huge success that we've had this year.
However, onward and upward...we're looking into other possibilities and may even venture into a Comenious Project instead. Of course being the big fan of eTwinning that I am, I'm already searching for a new project for the coming year. Something in German but with non-German speaking countries...and of course my ever faithful Year 8s (who will be Yr 9) are on the hunt for "something big" that involves podcasting.
Watch this space...

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