
Thursday 28 August 2008

New term, new challenges

As the summer holidays draw to an end and the weather begins to improve it's time to think once again about what lies ahead. The beginning of a new academic year is like January when I makes new resolutions, but this time about my teaching. As usual I'm going to work hard to be the best teacher ever (although I have heard that it's OK not to be perfect and just be "good enough"), be the most organised ever etc, etc, etc... On a serious note, however I will strive to make improvements on last year even if that means saying "no" once in a while so as to do my best in other areas.
Plans I already have in place to work on right at the start of term are varied. Naturally I have my Langwitch Blog to work on with my pupils and my Langwitch Wiki which I hope to use more often. In addition as mentioned in an earlier post, I have signed up to the all new IWB Challenge and hope to teach myself some new tricks with the ActivStudio.
In a new venture, I was asked to develop ICT-based projects for the Yr7 SOW - one per chapter of Metro / Logo, which I have done. In order to "show off" the work created by our Yr7 pupils and also to encourage some AfL I was also asked to created a French Blog and a German Blog so that staff can add work to them. (No links yet as there's nothing to see). This venture should be extremely interesting as it will involve me a) training staff in the MFL Area how to do the projects (no.1 make a Voki) and b) ensuring that I am not the one doing all of the work. Part B I think maybe the hardest, as I introduced the Heads of French and German to the new (Edu)blogs in July and told them that they needed to register so that I could make them administrators and so far neither of them has.
Keeping on the theme of training I am to go to a local university in October and do some work with their PGCE students, quite a daunting prospect for someone who sometimes struggles to talk to 16 yr olds but one that I am relishing none the less. On a similar topic I will continue to add to the Teacher's Corner of my Wiki so that my colleagues and anyone else who chooses can use it as a reference for doing some of the activities I have suggested to them. I will of course continue to direct them to Joe Dale's wonderful blog for a more detailed view of how to use ICT effectively in their teaching.
There are at least 2 eTwinning projects that I'm to work on, both with Yr 9 pupils (but not the same ones). A German project entitled "Reisen in Europa", a virtual travel guide to our regions, with a school in German, one in Poland and one in Hungary and and English project with my tutor group entitled "How Green in your World" with a school in Poland and a school in France. For this we will be working together on a Wiki where our pupils will add their work as they complete the half-termly tasks.
Finally I'm supposed to be involved in developing our all new Moodle VLE. Quite what this will involve I don't know.
In addition to all this, I'm supposed to go back to choir (Monday), go to the gym 3 times a week (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday) plus swimming with the kids (Sunday) and play badminton with my husband (Thursday).
If I manage to do it all I will be amazed!


  1. Good luck with the new term. Two weeks in and I am more or less keeping to my new term resolutions - let's hope it lasts!

  2. Fantastic! I am sure you will impress us all. Thanks a lot for including links to your student blog and your wiki. These are 2 of my challenges for the next academic year...


  3. Good luck with the new term. Two weeks in and I am more or less keeping to my new term resolutions - let's hope it lasts!

  4. Fantastic! I am sure you will impress us all. Thanks a lot for including links to your student blog and your wiki. These are 2 of my challenges for the next academic year...Isabelle
