
Friday 5 September 2008

We've only just begun...

Well the first week is over and done with and all of the plans for organisation have gone out of the window, as predicted. Well...actually, they're not doing too badly at the moment and I was actually able to leave my desk(s) tidy over the weekend for a change. I'm sure it can't last.
I have got the term off to a flying start and found that I like all of my classes so far...and what's more they seem to like me (although I do think they think I'm a little strange-can't imagine why!).
Everyone was more than pleased with our excellent exam results in the summer and can't wait to get back to the real task of educating our future generations. There are some exciting plans afoot, I believe, but will blog about them at a later date if anything happens. (That's actually just to get people to keep coming back on a regular basis to find out what they are!!!!)
I don't think that I've had any amazing ICT-ish stuff done this week...the pupils were only in for 3 days...but I am working on it and there is "great potential" for some fantastic work this year. Of course I got underway with, and completed, the first Whiteboard Challenge today but will blog about that in my next post.
I began work with my Yr9 class on my Langwitch blog, just asking them to introduce themselves in German in 40-50 words. I was amazed, I set the homework yesterday and by the time I'd got in from work, several of them had already completed it. They all seemed really keen to be doing stuff online plus, they liked the fact that they got immediate feedback from me at the bottom of their comment. They seemed really pleased when I saw them today in the corridor that I had already seen their work and commented on, what a motivator (for them and me).
So, there we are, a very upbeat Langwitch, with high hopes for the rest of the year :o)

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