
Wednesday 24 September 2008

First visit to Primary - I survived!

I was delighted at the end of the last academic year when I learnt that I was to be let loose on one of our feeder Primary schools. It's something I've always wanted to do but somehow, never managed to get the opportunity. All I knew was that I would be teaching Spanish (estupendo - one of my 2 words of praise in Spanish - fenominal being the other) to various year groups.
After a meeting with the MFL co-ordinator of the school I'm going to, I learned more details...25 mins to 2 Yr6 classes and 20 mins to 2 Yr4 classes, every fortnight - my colleague would be doing the other week. Oh my! 4 lessons in 2 hours, would I have the stamina?
Yesterday, I discovered whether I could handle the pressure! As the day approached I got more and more nervous, worried I'd be too boring/not game playing enough/just generally rubbish and by 12.30 was shaking as I left school to eat my lunch in the car since I had to be at the school to teach at 1.00. Well, I survived..just.
The main trauma was getting used to a new computer system and ActivPrimary rather than our ActivStudio 3 and finding my way around the school! I was very worried also that I might damage something with the throwing of my Haribo cuddly toy around the room. However, nothing too dreadful happened, I didn't make any small children cry (shame) and everyone seemed to enjoy my lessons.
My tasks for next time (which will be in about a month, as I'm going to the Netherlands in a little over a week) will be to not be as scared (!), to relax, to find out the names of the class teachers I'm working with and also to raise a smile from one of them!


  1. I feel for you with the crying fear- I love teaching my kindergaten class (it's an amazing experience), but 2 of them cry as soon as they see me in the doorway- very offputting!!!

  2. Hi Chris
    Thanks for the comment! I know I shouldn't, but I'm laughing!
    Are you really that scarey?

  3. I feel for you with the crying fear- I love teaching my kindergaten class (it's an amazing experience), but 2 of them cry as soon as they see me in the doorway- very offputting!!!

  4. Hi ChrisThanks for the comment! I know I shouldn't, but I'm laughing!Are you really that scarey?Helena
