
Friday 26 September 2008

European Day of Languages

Today has been a busy day for some of us at school, with our annual EDL activities.
As usuul, we hosted an LEA event for Y8 G&T pupils. Fortunately, unlike last year, I was not involved in the organisation of the event this year.
We had 3 schools and ours involved this morning and then another 4 schools came along this afternoon. Each group took part in 3 activities, a European Awareness quiz, hosted by yours truely, learning Dutch with our Dutch teacher and an activity using Swedish to find out how good they were at language learning. Once the activities were over, pupils added up the points that they gained throughout their activities to find out who won. Prizes were issued (these of course were chocolate!).
Whilst I was busy sorting things out and quizzing ,I left my classes a postcard competition. They had to create a postcard with the motto "Learning a language is..." (completing the sentence). Some were hilarious-"Learning a Language is a right lark" and "Learning a Language is like have an extra member of your family" were my favourites probably because these two pupils are clearly as crazy as I am!
Time to relax for the weekend now...busy week ahead with a PD Day, an eTwinning Workshop to help run, cover work to set for the week after next when I'm in the Netherlands, Open Evening and Blood Brothers (just have to be mentally prepared for that, the tears have already started to flow just thinking about the opening scene!).

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