
Sunday 2 November 2008

Durham Tees Valley MFL Ning

I've always been fascinated by Nings...just the name is enough to make one wonder what they're all about. The first ning I joined was the eTwinning Amabassadors Ning, shortly followed by several others. Then of course, upon learning of my impending Primary Languages teaching how could I not join the Talkabout Primary MFL Ning? You can see some of the other, varied Nings, of which I'm a member by looking at the badges in my sidebar. I am a very enthusiastic convert to the idea of a social network, where one can share ideas and resources.
It was with great enthusiasm that nearly 2 weeks ago, I launch the Stockton MFL Ning, aimed at connecting anyone invloved in teaching MFL in the Stockton area. I invited my colleagues in the MFL department to join and some did. Then I went to the IOW Conference and met Lesley Welsh an SSAT Lead Practitioner from Hartlepool and spoke about the Ning with her and how it could be more far reaching than just Stockton. It therefore underwent some changes upon my return and is now names Durham Tees Valley MFL. We've got quite a few members from around the area already (and some honourary Teessiders!) and I'm hoping that this will become a place where Linguists from around the area can connect, share and learn from one another on a rather informal basis...I'm even wondering about a virtual wine tasting! (If Twittermoms can do it then anyone can...might bring in some new members!)
Anyway, if you are involved in Languages in any way, shape or form in the Durham Tees Valley Area (ie, Northeast of England and beyond!), please feel free to join, tell us about yourself and share...we won't bite!


  1. Hey Helena
    Don't forget to mention you are also involved in the Oldham and Belfast Nings. We now have a Northern Ning Triangle going on!!
    Hopefully we will keep each other enthused and inspired...


  2. Hey HelenaDon't forget to mention you are also involved in the Oldham and Belfast Nings. We now have a Northern Ning Triangle going on!!Hopefully we will keep each other enthused and inspired...Isabelle
