
Saturday 15 November 2008

If at first you don't succeed....

It's always very easy to reflect upon things that have gone well but it's also useful to think about things that didn't necessarily go according to plan. This was certainly the case yesterday with our first attempt at video-conferencing.
We had our German and Spanish exchanges pupils in school all week and we decided that it would be a nice idea for our Spanish exchange pupils to video-conference with one of our feeder Primary Schools. The idea was to have the pupils at both our school and at the Primary School got to the computer in pairs of threes and exchange information about Spain and England and also maybe talk a little bit of Spanish. We tested out the technology and got the webcams sorted out, however for some reason we just could not get our images and video working together at all. I was at the Primary School (as "Spanish specialist-lol- and technician - rofl) and a couple of colleagues were at our school and try as we might we couldn't get is working properly at all. Eventually wat we did was just do audio and a small group of the Yr 6 pupils managed to ask questions of the Spanish pupils and also talk and undersand some Spanish. They absolutely loved it and the were so keen it was pleasure to be involved. It was just such a shame that I had to spend the best part of an hour "faffing" to get it sorted out. The children in the class were amazingly patient (as was I). Again it goes to prove that one can never rely entirely on technology working every time but it's important to keep trying, as the benefits are so worthwhile for everyone. The pupils gained something from the session and we now know that, even with technical hitches things still can be done. At least we did it and now know that there are a few things we need to tweek for future endeavours. We haven't been put off though!
Lessons learned:
  • Have a test conference before hand (which we were unable to do this time)
  • Make sure that there can be someone technical at both ends
  • Try no to have to set up in a classroom where there are 30 children waiting to take part in the activity
  • Be prepared to change your planned activity if things don't work
  • Don't let yourself be put off if things don't go according to plan the first time.


  1. Domain Names 4 Sale 24-715 November 2008 at 04:37

    Hello: Your Blog reflects your teaching background. Well done. I wonder what 'other stuff besides' means? mc

    Best Blogs

  2. Hi mc
    Thanks for commenting :o)
    I do a little of the "other stuff besides" but it's a bit too boring for people to be interested in!

  3. Domain Names 4 Sale 24-715 November 2008 at 11:37

    Hello: Your Blog reflects your teaching background. Well done. I wonder what 'other stuff besides' means? mcBest Blogs

  4. Hi mcThanks for commenting :o)I do a little of the "other stuff besides" but it's a bit too boring for people to be interested in!Helena:o)
