
Sunday 9 November 2008

Progression and fun in Primary Languages

This was the final session that I attended at the Isle of Wight Conference and unfortnately I actually had to leave a little early so missed some of it. Nevertheless I gained a real insight into what I should be doing when I go to teach my Primary Spanish lessons every fortnight.
This, inspiring session, was lead by Jo Rys-Jones and Lisa Stevens, both Primary MFL teachers.
They used as their basis how to teach the book "Dear Zoo" (those with small children will probably be familiar with this pop up book about a small child who writes to the zoo for them to send a pet and they send various unsuitable animals until the perfect one arrives).
To me it was a revelation, I'd never have thought about doing that and also, they didn't even look at the book with pupils until well down the path of teaching animals, phonemes and having lots of cross-curricular links. The whole session made me re-evaluate what I am doing in my Primary school and also I felt sad that I am going to teach languages in Primary schools without knowing what being a Primary School teacher involves and therefore doesn't it mean that I'm "selling my Primary pupils short" by going in and teaching like Secondary school teachers? I feel it's a real shame that some Primary School pupils are being taught Languages by properly trained Primary teachers like Jo and Lisa while others are being taught by "any old" Secondary teacher (like me). It somehow doesn't seem fair.
Anyway now, maybe at least my Primary pupils might have a flavour of what their language teaching should really be's also led me to attempt a brave move with my Yr 9 top set and use a topic on teaching household chores to work on the story of Cinderella..
You can find the slideshow and other resources on the Talkabout Primary MFL Ning here


  1. Don't sell yourself short - they are very lucky to have you and we learn so much from you and this blog!

  2. Don't sell yourself short - they are very lucky to have you and we learn so much from you and this blog!
