
Saturday 28 June 2008

Singing all weekend!

I've done quite a few non-MFL related posts recently and here comes another one. I must apologise and will try harder in future (but am not feeling particularly inspired at the moment, as the summer holidays approach).
This weekend I've been persuing one of my other hobbies - yes I do do something outside of the classroom from time to time.
The singing group I am a member of (Kellephony) have a Masterclass with Wynford Evans, a well known tenor, every 6 months or so. We had a one day event in November and this weekend is our "biggie". Two days of singing and listening to one another sing with help, hints and praise from Wyn. It's a very pleasant way to spend a weekend really but does take a lot of work. We each prepare 3 solo pieces and also do some ensemble work aswell. This weekend I am singing "Fac ut portem" a lovely piece from Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, "Hans und Grethe" a (surprisingly fun) piece by Mahler (for which I need a Dirndl to sing properly) and the beautiful "Sleep" by Ivor Gurney. All of the pieces are taken from my ABRSM Diploma repertoire that I will do sometime in the dim and distant future when I get time to brush them all up properly, write show notes and learn "The Monk and His Cat" from Barber's "Hermitage Songs". We also sung the "Benedictus" quartet from Mozart's "Requiem" today. Incase anyone is interested, I'm a contralto / mezzo-soprano.
I must admit that these Masterclass weekends are always a great ego-boost for me and Wyn is a great help, with oodles of advice but he's also very complimentary. Maybe, if I ever get tired of teaching, I could become a singer (too old!!). I also find these weekends rather stressful at the same time, having to mix with grown-ups who all take their hobby very seriously. I, on the other hand, as a defence mechanism make great efforts not to take anything too seriously, so that if told I'm rubbish I can always say "wasn't doing it properly anyway!" and as for being grown-up I certainly don't intend to be that until I'm at least 70, it's too much fun pretending I'm still 21!
It was so relaxing today, listening to one or two of my fellow club-members' classes that I must admit to having fallen asleep (but, shhh don't tell anyone, I'm sure no-one noticed). I also took my trusty notepad so that I could keep the creativity flowing and not down all my ideas that I get while listening to people sing. Look out colleagues on Monday, I nearly filled my notepad ! (It's only a small one, with a cute picture of a dog on the front!).
So am I off to spend the evening in preparation for thr rigours of tomorrow's singing? Of course not, that would mean I was taking this all too seriously...Graeme's out so it's a night of Pinot Grigio, Facebook and mindless TV for me (all in preparation for supporting Germany tomorrow evening!!!)


  1. Glad you've had a good weekend with your masterclass.
    Enjoy your evening - tomorrow is a new day and may not end the way you envisage - well, not if La Furia Roja have anything to do with it!!

    Lisa xx

  2. ha, ha, ha! A little healthy competition never hurt no-one!

  3. Glad you've had a good weekend with your masterclass. Enjoy your evening - tomorrow is a new day and may not end the way you envisage - well, not if La Furia Roja have anything to do with it!!Lisa xx

  4. ha, ha, ha! A little healthy competition never hurt no-one!
