
Friday 3 October 2008

It's here

Well, here we are...our Netherlands project has finally arrived. As I have blogged about previously, we are working, for the first time, with a school in Terneuzen in the Netherlands on a joint History project. In April, they came over to us to work on a project about Victorians etc... and it proved a great success. I can't believe it, but here we are in October and we are to go to Terneuzen for the return visit. On Sunday we head off to the Netherlands. Whilst looking forward to actually being there, I am concerned about leaving my husband with 2 small children for 6 days whilst I take care of 15 other children!
We are to take the ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge on Sunday evening. I think that is probably my biggest concern...12 hours on the North Sea in October, hmmmm! At least we have cabins - bed time at 10.30 pm. The preparations haven't been without hitches, mainly that one girl dropped out last week, which was a shame and then yesterday, another girl fractured her foot so that means that she can't come either. Oh well, at least it means there are less children to lose! It must be said, that with 15 of the most delightful children one could imagine (without them being your own), I don't think that looking after them will be the most onerous task!
So, Sunday is D-day and I'll be haveing a week off-line (as I got a BIG shock when I got my mobile phone bill after our summer holidays). I don't know whether I'll survive!

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