
Monday 27 October 2008

A very busy week

I think the the next few days will be full of blog posts from me, as I seem to have done so much in a very short space of time. I've done so much, met so many people and had such a great time that I really don't know where to begin. I think maybe, I'll just go for it and apologise in advance for poor spelling and typing (no surprises there, then) and some rather mixed up time-lines. In no particular order I'm intending to blog about:
  • my all new Ning that I set up last Wednesday and changed the name of yesterday
  • the Isle of Wight Conference (of course)...hopefully individual posts about various aspects and how much I learnt etc..
  • a chance encounter with a trainee life coach ( no-one expected that one - least of all me!)
  • going to train MFL PGCE students at Durham University last week and the hazards that brought with it.

So, I'm now going to go and get busy...I even have emails to answer, somewhere!

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