
Monday 27 October 2008

The Isle of Wight Conference

I think that I'll start with the main event then. Like many other people from around the country, I spent the weekend with a group of lovely people at Joe Dale's wonderful Isle of Wight Conference.
I had wanted to attend this event last year and was unable to, so this year I was determined to get there. For me it wasn't just the opportunity for some great CPD, it was also the chance to meet lots of people who I felt I already knew quite well, despite never having met them in person until Saturday morning.
The weekend certainly lived up to expectations. I learnt absolutely loads and was also reminded of lots of things that I knew about already but had forgotten. The weekend was organised superbly and I only wish I could have arrived on Friday evening, rather than on Saturday morning and got to know people a little sooner.
I attended sessions by:
  • Chris Fuller on Blogging, Podcasting and Moblogging
  • Steve Whittle on using Digital Resources within a Language Lab and a VLE
  • John Warwick on Flashmeetings
  • Mark Pentleton on Animation
  • The Show and Tell where I preferred to be "told" rather and doing any "showing" myself
  • Lesley Welsh on Finding as many "freebies" in the hall as possible - I got a cool USB bracelet and feely very proud!
  • Drew Buddie on using Moodle VLEs
  • Jo Rys-Jones and Lisa Stevens on Fun and Progression in Primary Languages
I was also involved in a very bizarre Flashmeeting even at lunchtime on Sunday with severalvpeople from around the world...but I think the less said about that the better
So, as you can see, I kept myself very busy and, unfortunately didn't get to see much of the Isle of Wight...specially not of the "lovely clear blue water" that my Grandma keeps going on about every time I mention it.
I intend to blog about most of the sessions that I went to in separate posts through out the week, so that people can find the bits that they might not have gone to more easily.


  1. Lovely to meet you -even if you did leave your hat at home ;o)

  2. I'd have probably knocked something over with it, if I had brought it!
    Lovely to meet you too!

  3. Lovely to meet you -even if you did leave your hat at home ;o)Lisaxx

  4. I'd have probably knocked something over with it, if I had brought it!Lovely to meet you too!

  5. Just to second Lisa, it was good to finally meet you and put a face to an interesting blog and person!

  6. Just to second Lisa, it was good to finally meet you and put a face to an interesting blog and person!
