
Saturday 11 October 2008

We're back!

We had a long, tiring week but I'm happy to say that we all made it back safely from Terneuzen without too many disasters on the way. I'm always fascinated to visit schools in other countries and see how much of a "better deal" they seem to get in comparison to those of us who teach in England. I find it interesting that teachers abroad are treated as professionals whose judgements and abilities are trusted by everyone and they are just able to do what they actually love doing - which is teach!
We began out visit with a trip to Brugges. I'd never been before so jumped at the idea of taking up the bus transfer from Zeebrugge that P&O put on for ferry passangers (at quite a resonable cost). What was even more wonderful was that our host school in Terneuzen has a link with a school in Brugges and their pupils were allowed out of lessons for the afternoon to give our pupils personalised tours of this beautiful city - an ideal opportunity for them to practice their English (I can't imagine that happening in many places in England). We had the odd drama, a lost jacket, I almost lost my passport by leaving it, along with other important stuff of mine in the station at Brugges (happily the lovely people at the station had found it and kept it for when I realised that I'd left it!) and striking public workers in Belgium but, eventually we made it to Terneuzen. We visited out partner school and went into some lessons and did a treasure hunt around the town. We also had our day trip to Ypres which tired us all out and of course our pupils worked together with their partners on a newspaper about life during the First World War.
We thoroughly enjoyed the whole trip and even began to learn some Dutch...the pupils, of course can now all say lots of rude words, meanwhile the teachers are well versed in understanding menus and fine Belgian beers. I have to say the we teachers were very well fed throughout the whole visit and have probably gained a fair few pounds!!!!!
Naturally, I will be blogging for the pupils about the trip once I have the photos available...we had our own official photographer with us in the shape of my colleague who is a fab photographer. There are great photos of kids and great "arty" ones of things like sunset from the Pride of Bruges as we began our journey home from Zeebrugge. Our History project blog is here (although currently there is only stuff about the Victorian leg of the project).

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