
Saturday 23 February 2008

A week off?

As we approad the end of our half term break, I thought, after a week of doing very little computer wise I'd post about my "week off".
We had a lovely, if not tiring week with my best friend Heike and her two boys Marc (2) and Eric (1). It's amazing how quickly you forget what life with a baby is takes about half an hour to get out of the house!!! (Or is that just Heike??) We explored the Northeast in freezing temperatures and howling gales (seeing us at out best, of course)...but at least it meant that the boys weren't too warm with their tights under their trousers, 3 layers of jumpers, scarves and balaclavas. I must admit that by the end of their stay I'd started to wonder whether I should be wrapping Alice and Dan up warmer. We looked at the planets and railway carriage at Wynyard Woodland Park. We ventured to Seaton Canoe ...oops, meant Carew (when it was 0 degrees outside) and played on the beach, then went to the Marina for hot chocolate and scones and then walked round to "see" the HMS Trincomalee and the Steamer the PSS Wingfield Castle through the freezing fog. We attempted to go to Raby Castle but it was closed until April - although Heike being Heike insisted that I drive up the drive to get photos (and cringe with embarassement!) - so then drove through Barnard Castle and then back to marvel at the toys in "Toys R Us". Finally, on Thursday we made it to Hadrian's Wall - the Fort of Chesters - in the wind. The kids loved being able to run around and pretend to be Roman Soldiers. In addition we watched a couple of German films - "Goodbye Lenin" and "Was tun wenn's brennt" - which were actually quite good. I really enjoyed being with Heike and miss her now that she's back home in France...yes, she's German but is married to a French soldier...very confusing as far as languages go (not for me but for the rest of the family!!!).
So that was my week. Now I have a week of lessons in the dining hall whilst my classroom get "propped", since our building is falling down :os

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