
Monday 11 February 2008

What an afternoon

Today has been an odd day really, if only because I spent most of it in front of the TV or computer and had a bath.
It started of strangly, since I dreamt all night about my tight throat and obviously there was something wrong there. When I got up I had become a bass, my voice having dropped an octave or two over night :o( I decided that, since it hurt to talk, spending the day teaching would not be a good idea. So, feeling bad (as I always do, if I'm ill enough to take time off work), I phoned work and told them I wouldn't be in, then I dutifully send in some very high quality cover work. I also took Dan to nursery (felt even more guilty when I did this...however, I was ill), which took ages due to the infamous Ingleby Barwick traffic and the fog. After that the morning was fine.
When it got to the afternoon, the sun was shining and I felt a bit better, I decided (as most mothers probably do), that I could have some bonus children time. So I went to get Dan and then headed of to Red House to get Alice when she came out at 3.30, planning to feed the ducks on Norton Duck Pond. I'd just got onto the A19 when there was a bang and something hit the windscreen and stayed there. Naturally, I braked and swerved, eventually found the hazard warning lights and somehow managed to see through the broken windscreen and thing on it to get onto the hard shoulder. What had happened? Somehow the bonnet had come unclicked at the front and when I began to pick up speed, the wind pressure blew it up and into the windscreen!!!! How me and Dan were OK I have no idea :o) Shaking, I phoned Graeme who, like the knight in shining armour he is, came to our rescue, phoned the AA and waited with us until they arrived. Dan, of course fell asleep (bless) and the whole thing was sorted out. We still got Alice but an hour later than anticipated and we still got to feed the ducks (although they weren't too interested). So now we're in the middle of insureance claims.
I'm just amazed that we're OK...we were in the "middle" lane (which isn't a real middle lane due to slip roads on and off) and things were going very fast around us, HGVs thundering past etc. Me and Dan were both very shocked but I think we're OK now...he's in bed and I'm looking forward to some alcoholic refreshment to help me "come to terms" with the ordeal. I told Dan, when we said prayers tonight that we needed to say a special "thank you" to God for looking after us and he wanted to know who God was. When I told him that God created everything, he thought that was great :o)
Anyway, there we go. Great afternoon! Oh and the voice? Still the same, I think I'll return tomorrow with lots of to get a letter out to Y7 about their trip to Cologne.

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