
Thursday 7 February 2008

Music to my ears!

I'm having a trip down memory lane this evening:o)
On a whim I went into Stockton town centre...quite a scary experience it must be said (and depressing too). To cheer myself up, I went for a nice capuccino at Cafe Nero (our version of Costa or Starbuck's) then headed of for a mooch around the nice(ish) bit of town. I went into HMV to look for Wii games for Graeme's birthday (but found none!) and chanced upon the Rock music section...well I say "chanced..." so decided to have a look at the Fish and Marillion sections. Needless to say I came away with 2 new CDs (how passé!)..."Bouillabaisse" - the best of Fish and "Best of Both Worlds" best of Marillion Fish era and Steve Hogarth era (one CD of each). So I've been having a bit of music fest this evening, particularly enjoying Credo and Shadowplay and of course Script for Jester's Tear (ahhh, memories of Aston and the Saarland on my year abroad!).
However, I'm about to settle down to Ashes to Ashes now the spin off of Life on Mars but without the lovely Sam Tyler :o(

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