
Thursday 10 January 2008

Daniel is 3!

I can't believe it but 3 years ago today, our lives were once again changed forever when the lovely Daniel arrived (4 days late!). Having a girl already,we didn't know what to expect - apart from horror stories of friends with boys :o)
3 years on it must be said that boys and girls are completely different. It took Dan until a month ago to figure out what the potty is for but now doesn't have nappies at all - even at night. Alice was out of nappies during the day by her 2nd birthday, but older than 3 on a night. In addition, Alice's vocabulary and language acquisition was amazing, while Dan is only just beginning to master more complicated sentences and words. On the other hand, Dan's hand-eye co-ordination is miles better than Alice's was at his age, as are his fine motot skills (or are they the same thing ??). He also has the cheekiest smile and hits the ground running from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed! It's so interesting having a girl and a boy and seeing the different ways they develop.
Life is never dull with both of them around, it must be said! We wouldn't swap them the world - when they're in bed asleep :o)

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