
Tuesday 15 January 2008

Yr 8 G&T Podcast

I was over the moon today, when my group of lovely Y8 G&T kids were able to produce the most wonderful podcast in French about their New Year's Resolutions.
I guided them last week in the production of the language for talking about what they're going to do and they completed them very proficiently on their own, emailing the completed ones to my specially set up account for them. Then today, with a little prompting, they produded the podcast, using Audacity for our eTwinning Blog Je blogue, tu blogues...let's blog! What is so great is that I encouraged them to make "noises of agreement" in the background...kind "good idea" French and one of the girls found a list of that type of phrases on the internet and they added them in.
They even seem keen to set up a podcast similar to the Ramsey Deutsch one (but hopefully with more success!), wanting to choose their own name for it and everything.
Watch this space...
Nos Résolutions du Nouvel An

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