
Sunday 27 January 2008

Year 9 creating Vokis

We made Vokis during our lesson in the computer room with Year 9 this week.
As we're working on the topic of school, I dedided that we would write a paragraph about school and make a Voki from that.
First, as a class we wrote what we would say (a safer option, I felt, as this particular class could have taken weeks to produce the same piece of work on their own!).
I then took a lesson to explain to the task to them, in order to make sure they know what to do (cough very loudly!).
Then on on Friday we actually completed the task.
We recorded our paragraphs using Audacity...unfortunately we had to do that in 2 shifts due to lack of working microphones! Then we went on to the website and logged into the account that I had created for them and created our Vokis, adding our soundfiles in the "give your Voki a voice" section and then saved what we had done.
A few pupils got their's completely finished some will complete them next time.
I do find these things take a long tome to complete, but it's worth it in the long run when they can see what they created on the web and show their parents. A great advantage is that, although when doing this with a class of 30 it can feel like you've taught 5 lessons in the space of one, it does mean that they don't have time to faff on trying to listen to their music stations or go onto games as they're too busy being fascinated by what they're doing...and of course it give much needed practice at speaking!
Some of the completed work can be viewed here at my Langwitch blog. More will follow sa they get finished :o)
I put instruction on how to do all of the work on my Langwitch Wiki. Just a quick request though,if you want to use these intructions with your own classes, please set up your own account with Voki :o)

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