
Monday 14 January 2008

My new Second Life... Langwitch Shostakovich (I knowm but I liked the idea of the compose thing!) - Don't like the picture but don't know how to take a picture properly yet!
Having read about Second Life, I became very curious and wondered whether I could persuade anyone in the LEA to fund a project for linguists within Stockon. So...I decided that I sould venture into the unkown and start to lead a Second Life, myself.
A week in and I thought I'd share some thoughts.
Firstly, I like it..if only so that I can create a "me" that looks like I might look were ito not for the fact that I'm a teacher, 36, a mother of 2 small children and not able to stay in the sun long enough to get a deep tan!
I spent the first 3 days alone on Help Island, picking up freebies and trying to one time I nearly fell into the sea and thought I would drown (can one die in Second Life, I wonder?) I met some people (male, of course, since my avatar is female) and even added one as a "friend"...although have never seen him again. My other encounter was with a dodgy Italien guy who spoke English and French (who said languages wouldn't come in handy). After 3 days one of my RL friends invited my to join him somewhere or other, so I left Help Island forever (once you leave you can never og back) and ventured out into the big wide world.
I must admit that it wasn't a scarey as I thought it would be, however, I've spent most of my time"shopping" and changing my appearance - me, vain?
So, after a week do I think it's worth it? Well, I think it's enjoyable and think that pupils could really benefit from it (once they've got over changing their appearance). Don't know whether my husband would agree...I think he's worried I'll meet a virtual hunk and have a virtual affair...that's if I dare ever speak to anyone other my my RL friend...
If you are a member of SL and don't want me to feel so lonely, please contact me / add me to your friends :o)

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