
Sunday 6 January 2008

La fête des rois

Until this year I didn't know about this...what kind of a French teacher am I? (One who prefers German, that's what!).
Anyway, being in France last week and (of course) having to have a bit of "booze cruise" trip to Carrefour aCité de l'Europe, I came across a wonderful Galette des Rois with Pirates of the Caribbean crown and fève. Well, being an admirer of Johnny Depp's and Orlando Bloom's "acting talents"(yum), I naturally love Pirates of the Caribbean with all that swashbuckling and unkempt hair etc... so I couldn't resist. Well, I heated it up and divided it in 4 - Alice was very excited at the thought of being a "princess" - and...I won! Got a great "Black Pearl" in my bit of pie. Poor Alice was devastated, so as "Queen" I allowed her to be my princess and wear the crown (which fitted her better than me, anyway). What a nice tradition, and hopefully one we'll keep up in the future (I think I might even be able to stretch to baking my own apple pie). Next year we will also be making the neighbours think we're very strange by doing the old chalk writing thing...20+C+M+B+08 thingie on the door. Isn't it nice being an MFL nutcase, bringing all of these lovely foreign traditions to our homes :o)

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