
Wednesday 30 January 2008

Newsday 2008

Well, we finally did our Newsday 2008! I thought it would be a lot worse than it was, it must be said but all in all, we had a great day.
We managed to produce 2 newspapers, one in French, on in German without the aid of our FLAs, because, when I arrange the date and put it on the calendar, I forgot that the FLAs are out at college on a Wednesday and therefore wouldn't be around :o(
However, our fab student, Lisa helped this morning and our new Head of Area helped this afternoon. I must admit that I could have killed our Head of Area at one point...he came along this afternoon and told me the Queen had just died!!! I am still reeling with the emabarrassment of racing across the room to tell the editors that they needed to change the Headline. It was one of those situations that, when I realised it was a wind up, I couldn't stop laughing,,,in fact tears were streaming down my face. Let's just say...I never forget!!!
The final versions will be put onto my Langwitch class blog so that our pupils can see / read them, once I get them printed and enlarged and sent off tomorrow.
What a great day :o)

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