
Saturday 28 June 2008

Singing all weekend!

I've done quite a few non-MFL related posts recently and here comes another one. I must apologise and will try harder in future (but am not feeling particularly inspired at the moment, as the summer holidays approach).
This weekend I've been persuing one of my other hobbies - yes I do do something outside of the classroom from time to time.
The singing group I am a member of (Kellephony) have a Masterclass with Wynford Evans, a well known tenor, every 6 months or so. We had a one day event in November and this weekend is our "biggie". Two days of singing and listening to one another sing with help, hints and praise from Wyn. It's a very pleasant way to spend a weekend really but does take a lot of work. We each prepare 3 solo pieces and also do some ensemble work aswell. This weekend I am singing "Fac ut portem" a lovely piece from Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, "Hans und Grethe" a (surprisingly fun) piece by Mahler (for which I need a Dirndl to sing properly) and the beautiful "Sleep" by Ivor Gurney. All of the pieces are taken from my ABRSM Diploma repertoire that I will do sometime in the dim and distant future when I get time to brush them all up properly, write show notes and learn "The Monk and His Cat" from Barber's "Hermitage Songs". We also sung the "Benedictus" quartet from Mozart's "Requiem" today. Incase anyone is interested, I'm a contralto / mezzo-soprano.
I must admit that these Masterclass weekends are always a great ego-boost for me and Wyn is a great help, with oodles of advice but he's also very complimentary. Maybe, if I ever get tired of teaching, I could become a singer (too old!!). I also find these weekends rather stressful at the same time, having to mix with grown-ups who all take their hobby very seriously. I, on the other hand, as a defence mechanism make great efforts not to take anything too seriously, so that if told I'm rubbish I can always say "wasn't doing it properly anyway!" and as for being grown-up I certainly don't intend to be that until I'm at least 70, it's too much fun pretending I'm still 21!
It was so relaxing today, listening to one or two of my fellow club-members' classes that I must admit to having fallen asleep (but, shhh don't tell anyone, I'm sure no-one noticed). I also took my trusty notepad so that I could keep the creativity flowing and not down all my ideas that I get while listening to people sing. Look out colleagues on Monday, I nearly filled my notepad ! (It's only a small one, with a cute picture of a dog on the front!).
So am I off to spend the evening in preparation for thr rigours of tomorrow's singing? Of course not, that would mean I was taking this all too seriously...Graeme's out so it's a night of Pinot Grigio, Facebook and mindless TV for me (all in preparation for supporting Germany tomorrow evening!!!)

Monday 23 June 2008

Back on the up again and weight loss too!

After faltering last week, I feel like I'm back on an upward journey.
I almost wrote another "meltdown" post but refrained and glad I did! I think I was suffering from "post-trip adrenalin come-down" and ended the week feeling undervalued, wondering where my career was going and also like a terrible mother and wife to boot! I did, however realise that this was due to lack of adrenalin, lack of weight-loss and general malaise of other colleagues being picked-up by my over-active empathy streak! After a nice relax and fun hour or so on Facebook (and alcohol) on Friday evening I felt much better and the Race for Life got my adrenalin levels back up to somewhere near normal!
Feeling much more positive today and ready for most things.
The best moment of the day was standing on the scales this morning to find that I had lost a further 6lbs to make a grand total of 11lbs in 3 weeks!!! Not bad, considering that my overall target for the full 6 week diet was to lose 12 lbs! If I keep this up I might have completely disappeared by October!

Sunday 22 June 2008

Why blogging with pupils is so great!

I just had to write this post!
I just got a comment on the blog I created for our Dutch eTwinning Project from one of the English pupils involved. He wanted to know if we're travelling by ferry or plane and thought plane would be better even if a bit more expensive!
Priceless - I don't think he would have said that to me face to face, and so nice to get an opinion. (Unfortunately flying is A LOT more expensive!!! - and far too traumatic for Mrs. Butterfield who wouldn't have anyone's hand to hold!)

Saturday 21 June 2008

Race for Life - still alive!

I made it round the course today and even managed to run round some of it - curiously it was the bit where Graeme, Alice and Dan were stood (and over the finish line). It was amazing to see so many people all together trying to was quite difficult to do so at some points!
I met some colleagues just after the start so it was nice to have a bit of a chat for a while. I then had to schnell it up a bit thought because I needed to go to Alice and Dan's school fair!
It's quite scary to stop and think about the number of people I know affected by cancer and it's probably the same for other people too. I can think of at least 2 colleagues, plus one of my best friend's mums and me, although I must admit that I never really think of my mole (malignant melonoma) that was removed 9 years ago as anything that major - unfortunately life insurance companies think otherwise!
I have vowed to run next year and Alice wants to do it too. As Graeme so aptly pointed out to me, what was the point in walking :o( He also wondered if the couple of people who sponsored me £10 knew I was only walking!!! I told him it didn't matter how it did it just that I actually did it and raised money.
Barnaby Bear also accompanied us, so that will go in his diary. Off to the Lakes with him tomorrow. We had hoped to go in the tent but it's a bit wet...

Friday 20 June 2008

Using MyStudiyo again

My Yr 8 class finally got onto Paris this week, so since I was booked into the computer suite today, I decided I get them using Isabelle Jones' MyStudiyo quiz that she created a few weeks ago for one of her classes.
They did quite well and really enjoyed it. You can find out what they thought by following the link:
Thank you Isabelle for this very useful resource

Final training (ha, ha)

Well tomorrow is my Race for Life at Ormsby Hall in Middlesbrough. I must get that final bit of training in this evening so that I'm in tip-top condition for the big race!
I am cross with myself that I will be walking this year - all due to laziness and not keeping up my training schedule (unless you call almost running round Köln last week training!). Never mind, it's doing it that counts and my sponsorship must be at least upto £50! (I can be sponsored online by following the link in the sidebar!)
I just hope it doesn't rain...

Thursday 19 June 2008

Playing with Wordle

Well, here we are. I know that I wouldn't be able to resist for long...actually I tried to do a Wordle thingie the other night but my computer was playing up. I thought I might print this out in colour and put on the wall in my classroom. I've added as many "Key Words" as I could think of off the top of my head - maybe I'm missing some!
Anyway, here it is...

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Experimenting with Google Docs

We decided that we'd experiment with Google Docs for a survey on our eTwinning Blog this week. One of the wonderful girls in my groups of Year 8s who come to me at lunchtime on a Tuesday created this at home.
I must say that I am , of course impressed with Gemma's dedication to French and ability to add the hyperlinks and YouTube video but I am also thinking of the possibilties for using Google Docs in the classroom. I am also wondering why it's taken me until now to discover it and realise it's potential.
One problem doesn't seem to want to load in the Over-blog blog for the French school. Any suggestions as to why that might be anyone?
Hopefully this one will work...

Monday 16 June 2008

Maintained :o(

Well, after my joy last week at losing 5lbs in one week, I stood on the scales today to find I'd lost nothing at all.
I'm trying to remain up beat, after all I did lose a lot for me last week and I did go to Germany, the land of cakes and beer! Maybe I shouldn't have had that cheese cake.
Oh well, I'm still on target for the 12 lbs in 6 weeks that I'd hoped for, so can't really grumble.

Sunday 15 June 2008


Here I am, back in old "Blighty" again, after a couple of days of gobe-trotting on the dreaded Cologne trip. As predicted, I did have a very enjoyable time. We had great fun, mainly at the expense of my Head of Area, but it was worth it :o)
The coach journey was, of course, torture. Very loud and excited Yr7s not much space and COLD. Fortunately Leicester Forest East had these wonderful travel pillows and blankets that we spashed out on. I'm so glad I did, as it eased the discomfort, somewhat.
Once in Cologne, we arrived at the Deutz Youth Hostel, a very well equiped and modern place to stay - hoghly recommended, and then we walked the kids into Cologne for a boat trip. We had a pleasant 2 hrs on a KD Cruise, however I think one hour would have been long enough, in reality. After tea, we were able to gather in a room for the "good cop, bad cop" routine, as I praised the kids for their behaviour on the boat and at tea and Peter (my Head of Area and Deputy Group Leader) told them off for their lack of consideration and the state the coach was in. The kids were in bed by 9.45 pm!!! Admittedly we then sat in the corridor until after midnight but that was more of a "life-style choice" - and it was such fun to hear the kids opening their doors, for them to catch a glimpse of us and retreat very quickly, looking sheepish.
Saturday saw us packing and walking back into Cologne. We went to the Cathedral, of course and Peter and Claire walked (sorry, dragged) the kids up the tower. Fortunately my balance problems due to my deafness in one ear and Barbara's bad arm meant we had to be left behind at the bottom. After the tower came "shopping for tatt" - and that was just the staff. We bought enough flags to deck out the whole of Ian Ramsey School with flags from the EU, got some great toungue in cheek pressies for the rest of the MFL Area but won't mention them here, as I would hate to spoil the surprise tomorrow if anyone reads this!
After coffee and cheese cake and a pizza, we headed off to the chocolate museum, by which time I had lost the will to live so rushed round the very warm museum and spent the rest of the afternoon in the museum cafe...Pinot Grigio by the river - very civilised indeed! After that I got my second wind. We returned to the main town for tea and then headed back to the coach at 6.00pm. We were home by 7.30am this morning so made great time.
We had great drivers who didn't take themselves, or us too seriously which is important. They could also do a mean U-turn in the centre of Cologne. The kids were fine - just normal kids on a trip, really, loud, messy and smelly. It must be said though that the four I had my doubts about taking were OK. The staff who went were great, all shared responisibilty (essential on a trip) but also ready to let their hair down at the appropriate times such as during karacoachy sessions!
Best moment of the trip? Getting off the coach at school and seeing my two beauties running up to greet me. Wonderful!!

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Cyber Bullying

In our Yr8 Assembly this morning, our Head of Year showed the following video. I found it very thought provoking and could tell looking around the assemble room that many pupils in the year group were affected by it.
I liked it so much that I felt compelled to find it and add it to my school blog. Here it is for anyone who hasn't seen it before:

Monday 9 June 2008

Preparing for Cologne

Well, the inevitable is about to happen...we leave for Cologne on Thursday evening with 38 Yr7 pupils, including at least 4 very dubious characters (and that's just the teachers!)
We have a full programme that includes leaving school at 21hrs, arriving in Cologne at 14hrs the following day, going on a boat trip on the Rhine, staying over-night, going to the chocolate musem and cathedral, then getting back on coach at 18hrs at arriving back at school at 9hrs on Sunday morning just in time for Fathers' Day. Oh, and I don't know the first thing about Cologne. Oh, and did I mention that the forecast is for rain?
And people wonder why I'm not ecstatic about the trip...

I've lost five pounds... if anyone finds them could they please let me have them back, as I need to pay for the school treasure hunt on Wednesday!
No, but seriously...this GMTV thing really works. NEVER in my life have I ever lost 5lbs in one week but I did last week. What great motivation to continue...bring on the lentils and rye-bread, I say!! I know I won't lose this much every week but it's a great start. Wonder how I'll go on the Cologne trip with no sleep! Just have to remain focused...

Sunday 1 June 2008

Je blogue, tu blogues...let's blog!

I was very pleased to read in my emails when I returned from the Lake District that our pupil exchange that is emerging from our French eTwinning Project seems to be coming together well. In addition I had a mail from the eTwinning Team, informing me that the project has been short-listed for the UK National eTwinning Awards. I'm sure that there are many other projects, much more worthy than ours to have been short-listed, but it gave me a great feeling of pride. I don't think I've ever done anything before that's been given any kind of local, let alone national recognition (even if it is only being on a long short-list).
Despite having received, therefore, a second invite to the National eTwinning Conference in June I STILL don't think I'll be able to make it as I have to go on a Yr 7 visit to Cologne. I've tried in so many ways to get out of this trip (despite being the Group Leader) but my Head of Area and Deputy Group Leader keeps telling me that if he has to sit on a coach for 24 hrs and stay in Cologne for 2 hrs (not quite the ratio, I know but almost) then I certainly am! His actual words were he would "drag me kicking and screaming" on the coach if he had to.
Well "kick...scream", it seems nothing will get me out of this trip :o(

The GMTV Bikini Diet

Whilst on holiday last week, I was able to catch up on some much needed GMTV viewing. I have missed the ever-professional Penny Smith et al, so it was quite a treat. Whilst watching this week I discovered that they were launching their Bikini Diet and was intrigued. Apparently it's "easy" and "you'll never feel hungry" so it drew me in! Upon arrving home yesterday, I went online and decided to give it a try. Not as user-friendly as I felt it claimed, I had to copy and paste everything into Word so I could print it off (maybe I'm missing something and there's a print-friendly version but I couldn't find it) because I can't be doing with visiting the website everytime I want to know what to eat. Anyway, I've been shopping and bought the nuts and seeds etc... and I begin tomorrow.
So, this is my challenge this half-term! To follow the GMTV Bikini Diet for the full 6 weeks and maybe even blog about it each week (it all depends on how I'm getting on). Hopefully I'll lose 3 stones in 6 weeks - not really, I'd be happy (to begin with) with 2lbs a week.
Musli fo me tomorrow :0P

The Lake District

As well as having visited the Netherlands 2 weeks ago (nearly), I also spent last week in the Lake District with my family. By "my family" I mean Graeme, Alice and Dan - obviously - then my sister, her husband and 2 children (aged 4 and 2), my mum and dad and my grandma (aged 90). Luckily we weren't all in the same accommodation!! Each Whit Week my mum hires 3 static caravans and we all troop off to the Lakes. This year we stayed near Ambleside on Lake Windermere on a lovely caravan site call the "White Cross Bay". It had a swimming pool, so because Alice is a mermaid, we spent several hours each day in the pool. We also took in Lake Coniston, Hawkshead (Graeme believes that all roads in that part of the Lakes lead there!), the Aquarium of the Lake District near Newby Bridge at the bottom of Windermere, Hawkshead, Keswick, Castlerigg Stone Circle, Ambleside, Pooley Bridge and Grasmere. Probably a lot more too! The kids didn't enjoy walking too much, although we did manage to coax them on 2 walks, one to Grasmere from the car-park near Rydal Water and one the the cairn on the walk between Pooley Bridge and Howtown (they whined all the way but no-one got a carry!!). The kids also loved being able to play with their cousins everyday, since normally they're way down in Eastbourne and we're way up here in Stockton.
We had a lovely week with very little rain and fairly mild nights (although heating in the caravan really helped) and I didn't miss blogging or twittering at all - couldn't even get a signal on my mobile most of the time! Back to the grind now, though - heyho!