
Sunday 1 June 2008

Je blogue, tu blogues...let's blog!

I was very pleased to read in my emails when I returned from the Lake District that our pupil exchange that is emerging from our French eTwinning Project seems to be coming together well. In addition I had a mail from the eTwinning Team, informing me that the project has been short-listed for the UK National eTwinning Awards. I'm sure that there are many other projects, much more worthy than ours to have been short-listed, but it gave me a great feeling of pride. I don't think I've ever done anything before that's been given any kind of local, let alone national recognition (even if it is only being on a long short-list).
Despite having received, therefore, a second invite to the National eTwinning Conference in June I STILL don't think I'll be able to make it as I have to go on a Yr 7 visit to Cologne. I've tried in so many ways to get out of this trip (despite being the Group Leader) but my Head of Area and Deputy Group Leader keeps telling me that if he has to sit on a coach for 24 hrs and stay in Cologne for 2 hrs (not quite the ratio, I know but almost) then I certainly am! His actual words were he would "drag me kicking and screaming" on the coach if he had to.
Well "kick...scream", it seems nothing will get me out of this trip :o(

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