
Saturday 21 June 2008

Race for Life - still alive!

I made it round the course today and even managed to run round some of it - curiously it was the bit where Graeme, Alice and Dan were stood (and over the finish line). It was amazing to see so many people all together trying to was quite difficult to do so at some points!
I met some colleagues just after the start so it was nice to have a bit of a chat for a while. I then had to schnell it up a bit thought because I needed to go to Alice and Dan's school fair!
It's quite scary to stop and think about the number of people I know affected by cancer and it's probably the same for other people too. I can think of at least 2 colleagues, plus one of my best friend's mums and me, although I must admit that I never really think of my mole (malignant melonoma) that was removed 9 years ago as anything that major - unfortunately life insurance companies think otherwise!
I have vowed to run next year and Alice wants to do it too. As Graeme so aptly pointed out to me, what was the point in walking :o( He also wondered if the couple of people who sponsored me £10 knew I was only walking!!! I told him it didn't matter how it did it just that I actually did it and raised money.
Barnaby Bear also accompanied us, so that will go in his diary. Off to the Lakes with him tomorrow. We had hoped to go in the tent but it's a bit wet...

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