
Sunday 15 June 2008


Here I am, back in old "Blighty" again, after a couple of days of gobe-trotting on the dreaded Cologne trip. As predicted, I did have a very enjoyable time. We had great fun, mainly at the expense of my Head of Area, but it was worth it :o)
The coach journey was, of course, torture. Very loud and excited Yr7s not much space and COLD. Fortunately Leicester Forest East had these wonderful travel pillows and blankets that we spashed out on. I'm so glad I did, as it eased the discomfort, somewhat.
Once in Cologne, we arrived at the Deutz Youth Hostel, a very well equiped and modern place to stay - hoghly recommended, and then we walked the kids into Cologne for a boat trip. We had a pleasant 2 hrs on a KD Cruise, however I think one hour would have been long enough, in reality. After tea, we were able to gather in a room for the "good cop, bad cop" routine, as I praised the kids for their behaviour on the boat and at tea and Peter (my Head of Area and Deputy Group Leader) told them off for their lack of consideration and the state the coach was in. The kids were in bed by 9.45 pm!!! Admittedly we then sat in the corridor until after midnight but that was more of a "life-style choice" - and it was such fun to hear the kids opening their doors, for them to catch a glimpse of us and retreat very quickly, looking sheepish.
Saturday saw us packing and walking back into Cologne. We went to the Cathedral, of course and Peter and Claire walked (sorry, dragged) the kids up the tower. Fortunately my balance problems due to my deafness in one ear and Barbara's bad arm meant we had to be left behind at the bottom. After the tower came "shopping for tatt" - and that was just the staff. We bought enough flags to deck out the whole of Ian Ramsey School with flags from the EU, got some great toungue in cheek pressies for the rest of the MFL Area but won't mention them here, as I would hate to spoil the surprise tomorrow if anyone reads this!
After coffee and cheese cake and a pizza, we headed off to the chocolate museum, by which time I had lost the will to live so rushed round the very warm museum and spent the rest of the afternoon in the museum cafe...Pinot Grigio by the river - very civilised indeed! After that I got my second wind. We returned to the main town for tea and then headed back to the coach at 6.00pm. We were home by 7.30am this morning so made great time.
We had great drivers who didn't take themselves, or us too seriously which is important. They could also do a mean U-turn in the centre of Cologne. The kids were fine - just normal kids on a trip, really, loud, messy and smelly. It must be said though that the four I had my doubts about taking were OK. The staff who went were great, all shared responisibilty (essential on a trip) but also ready to let their hair down at the appropriate times such as during karacoachy sessions!
Best moment of the trip? Getting off the coach at school and seeing my two beauties running up to greet me. Wonderful!!

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