
Monday 10 March 2008

An experiment tomorrow

I've seen many people tweet and blog about Voicethread and thought it an absolutely fantastic idea for MFL teaching so have decided to jump in and experiment with my G&T group in Yr8 at lunchtime tomorrow.
It's dead boring, just a picture of a house with the idea that they will talk about where they think it is, who lives there, what's it like inside, but it's a start nevertheless. The possibilites are endless to encourage creative use of language and actually SPEAKING, not just typing. As ever, the ideas are flowing thick and fast, just hope that my body can keep up :o)
I'll post again tomorrow (hopfully) with the results of my experiment!

The rest of the day tomorrow will be spend moderating and finalising coursework marks to send them off ready for Friday...WJEC deadline.

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